Sunday 11 November 2007

Drinking vs Sobriety

I know that if I drink I can go out and number close, kiss close and probably fuck close the majority of the time. The problem is that very rarely would I be able to pull more than a HB7 by doing this.

Alcohol removes your inhibitions - hence it's popularity. Ego, self esteem, sense of self worth and belief in your own powers are all magnified significantly by alcohol. The problem is that, like any other mind altering drug, there are negatives.

Whilst I may be funny, outgoing, witty, amusing etc etc, when I'm drunk. For every occassion where I've been drunk and coped fine there are dozens others where I've vomited, passed out, gotten in fights etc... I think I can safely say I've lost more girls through drunkeness than I've pulled - and the ones I've pulled have never, ever, been anything special.

My plan is to go out and not drink - if I drink I don't believe I'll ever seriously improve my game (at least not my inner game). It would be so much easier to go out and drink, but I think real success for me lies in training myself to feel all the postives I would associate with alcohol to just happen naturally.

So far I'm happy with my decision.

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