Sunday 16 December 2007

Running the game to conclusion - GermanGirl Field Report

At the risk of sounding repetitive, I'm going to repeat the GermanGirl story as a single field report.

Thursday night - I go out to meet friends, straight from work having made no effort. My hair isn't done. I feel ill as I have a chest infection. I feel pretty damn awful. My friends are running late, and as I go to order myself a beer I see two hot girls sitting a large table. I smile at them, they smile back. I get my beer, walk away and debate approaching them. I get huge approach anxiety. After five minutes I conquer my fear and approach them "Hi, do you mind if I sit here whilst I wait for my friends to arrive? (FTC)". Before they have a chance to answer I sit, pull out a newspaper and turn my back to them. They start talking and I interrupt them (as they are speaking foreign), "So where are you two from?", "Germany", "You're sister's right?", "Yeah, how could you tell?", "It's obvious". I move in and sit closer to them. Two hours of witty banter later I get the bus home in the same direction and #close HB8.5 who we'll call GermanGirl.

I arrange the D2 with GermanGirl. I decide we are going for coffee on my lunch break on Wednesday. We meet up. It went ok. I didn't kino escalate though and left cursing myself. But not before I arranged D3 for Saturday doing my Christmas shopping.

Saturday. Thankfully I am now recovered from my chest infection. When we meet I immediately take her hand as we walk to the tube. She seemed a little hesitant, but eventually became very comfortable with it. It was scary. But not as scary as then kissing her in Notting Hill Gate tube station whilst we were waiting for her sister. She told me she thought "English people don't do this kind of thing in public". I told her that I'm just bad, and go back to kissing her. Her sister +AMOG bf turn up. AMOG is being rude and ignoring me, so I out-AMOG him by ignoring his rudeness and carrying on being cocky/funny with the girls. AMOG leaves after about five minutes and the rest of us go for Coffee. GermanGirl and I then leave to go home (she has work at 7). Then came the scariest bridge - much scarier than kissing her or holding her hand - I asked her back to mine for a drink before work. She agreed, although I could sense some hesitance. Once back I got her into my room very quickly (as my housemates were in the lounge), got her on the bed. We made out. I got her naked. I went down on her. Then I told her we were going too fast and that she should go to work. She said no. I insisted. I told her to get dressed and drove her to home. She then spent the evening texting me, practically begging to come around tomorrow.

Tomorrow is now today. She came round for breakfast. The rest of my post is X rated - but suffice to say we had sex from about 10:30 this morning until 2:00 when she had to go and meet her sister. She wanted to go a little earlier than that, but I went caveman and she was very willing to stay long enough to be quite late. To the point where when her phone rang she grabbed it, turned it off and threw it across the room.

The funniest thing though was after the second fuck she's lying there in my arms and asks me "How old are you?", "Old enough to know not to answer that question", I replied jokingly, "How old do you think I am?". "30". I laughed and told her my age. "Why did you think that?" I asked, "Well you were so confident in the bar when i met you - my sister and I agreed you had to at around 30, even though you look younger than that".

What I've learnt

I'm not sure where to begin. I've learnt so much from this that it's untrue. First and most importantly, I've learnt that the MM and DD's cocky-funny are hugely powerful. I've learnt that my old limited beliefs were shit - and I have no replaced them with much better empowering beliefs. I've learnt that my approach anxiety doesn't get any less, I am simply able to deal with it better. Finally I've learnt the power of having a strong frame and brining women into my reality. "You're in my reality now".

My first Solo Sarge was exactly 35 days ago. Since then I have gone from AFC to having had sex this morning with GermanGirl three times. And you know what the best thing is? I don't feel like I've arrived - I feel like I've only just really started.


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