Thursday 20 March 2008


Certain things are guaranteed to impress women. These are things that are by and large not overly difficult to master, but if you're able to do them well you'll score brownie points. Let's see. Women love it if you're good at:
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Sport
  • Keeping a cool head in tough situations
  • Getting along well with people in her social circle, especially her close friends
  • Dressing well
  • Grooming
There are no doubt a load more. Lots of these things are overlooked by man, who want to focus more on technique and "lines", but mastering these far easier skills gives you something more: belief in yourself. Once you have a girl compliment you physically or smile when she tucks into food you've cooked for her, you have her hooked. It's impressing her in a very natural way. I'd argue that the above list of qualities are things that come easy to the naturals out there.

So why does Cooking top the list? I've started getting into it. Last night I cooked the most awesome Ragu ever. I cook a pretty damn good Spaghetti Bolognaise already, and it's not a million miles away, but this was awesome. The recipe is from Nigella Lawson's Express and took me 20 minutes from start to eating. Finding the bloody ingredients took longer! The book is ideal for anyone who needs to cook damn tasty food fast. Once I've cooked my way through a few more recipies, I'll review it properly.


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