Friday, 18 September 2009

Sales vs Pickup

Having been gone for a while, I kind of assumed no-one would read this blog. I was wrong. Sexual Transmutation is the most read article with 53 individual visits, and I've had 1,191 visitors since I started. Those are small numbers, but let's remember I've done little to promote this.

Here are some of the keywords that brought people here:
  • bandit feet sex site
  • time fuck bandits
  • "we fuck for hours"
  • frenchchick3
  • "aggressive girl" "tied up" sex
  • "all you want me for is sex"
  • "and with high heeled boots"
  • "sexual energy" napoleon hill sexual transmutation (?!)
  • "that he's really short"
  • "tired the day after sex"
  • auf wiedersehen soberiety
  • bandit cat (game from smile)
  • bandit wrecking ball
  • banned from abercrombie
  • but i was rushed for time
I pity some of the fuckers who stumbled on this.

Fun with Google Analytics aside, I've been busy with work and have neglected gaming for the last week. What I have been doing, is selling like a motherfucker. The skills you learn as a PUA are awesome life skills. Over 5 days of intense selling, I picked up 164 leads, and if just 8 of those turn into sales I'll not have to sell anything again this year.

I would never have done this had I not invested time and effort into learning how to pickup women. Once you can pick up a hot woman, selling is easy. In fact let's compare.

Sales vs Pickup

The skills of a PUA are the skills of a salesman, with some fundamental similarities and differences.

  1. Approach anxiety - best overcome with the three second rule.
  2. Have a few prepared lines.
  3. Attract - enter a set with higher or equal energy, be charismatic.
  4. Demonstrate social value - name other client's you have worked with whom they will know.
  5. Pass the shit tests (whatever these may be)
  6. Number close as soon as you know they're hooked.
  7. Follow up whilst the lead is hot.
  8. And remember, it's easier to pull the one 10 than five 8's - it's easier to get few big clients that lots of small ones.
Where it differs
  • Do not kiss-close your potential clients.
  • In sales, once you have the number or the sale, leave. Unlike sex, no-one likes a salesman cuddling up with them for a few hours when he's finished fucking you.
  • Do not neg your leads.
  • Don't be cocky-funny (unless you know them well), and finally
  • Do not tell them they have C shaped teeth, ask if they believe in magic, or offer them a rune reading. It may get you laid, but it will make you poor....

Getting the balance right this time will be a challenge. Before, I didn't mind turning up to work still drunk from the night before, sleep deprived and smug as a motherfucker. Back then I was working for someone else. Now I have my own business, and ironically that leaves me less free to be a complete arsehole.

Talking of which, as it's 5 something a.m., I'd better go to bed...


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