Monday, 18 February 2008


It occured to me the other day, that I've kind of surpassed my original goals. Originally I expected to go on a long journey of change, with the end result that I would be able to attract beautiful women. Now, despite the fact that I would love to attract any gorgeous women I meet - I only really expected that I'd be able to develop enough confidence to spark a conversation with women, seduce them and eventually fuck them. But I've gone beyond that. It's hard to explain how, but I think it has something to do with the level of success I had on the inside, which doesn't necessarily match up to what I said I wanted. My internal levels of success have been reached - and I can't even define how or why, I just know they are.

It's a sense of peace more than anything else. I now know with complete conviction, that I can go out and attract beautiful women. Unless I get horribly disfigured, or am the victim of some kind of skin-destroying acid attack at the hands of an alien invasion force, I know I will always be able to attract women and I will never be alone. And let's face it - if aliens invade sex will be the last thing on my mind. Well, OK, perhaps not last - maybe somewhere near the #2 spot.

The sense of peace is pretty damn good. When I go out now and spend time with women I'm not really worried about failing - cos I know the next girl is around the corner. Perhaps all this bollocks I've read about adopting an "abundance" mentally is finally kicking in.

So now I have a choice. I can quite happily sit here and use my new powers and skills without investing much time and effort into them. Provided I continue to use them, they will get better over time naturally and I'll be set for life with women. Or I can take things to the next level. I can redefine my internal level of success and decide to dedicate a larger part of my life in becoming a true master of man-woman relationships.

I believe anyone can become skilled in anything, provided they apply themselves for long enough. I know I can gain skills in anything I put my mind to - and I believe all men are capable of this. But mastery, that's something else. Mastery is when you become skilled to a level surpassing expertise. A master is someone who is the embodiment of his particular field of skills, knowledge or power. He is a teacher and a man who knows the subject well enough to re-create the way it is seen, perceieved and understood. Becoming a master, a true master, takes commitment, time and a real devotion. Whilst I believe that all men can become skilled in all things, I believe man can master few things to the highest level within one lifetime. And that's fine, all that matters is choosing the thing to become a master in.

If I look at myself I can see where I have talent, and I can see where I am able to learn new skills quickly and effectively. One of the things I love about Asian cultures (or at least, my romanticed view of them), is they way that a man will pick something and devote his life to the mastery of it. I would very much like to pick something that I can dedicate myself to in such a way.

Perhaps this is it... I know I could already help many many men unlock their inner awesomeness to help them attract women. I think it's a very honorable undertaking and I know I could use this power to bring joy to a lot of frustrated people out there. I don't pretend I'm a master yet - there are many many more skilled individuals out there. But I at least have an advantage in that I've been studying the process of self-improvement for the last three years.

Few people ever follow their real calling in life. Is this mine?

Something to think about.


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