Monday 25 February 2008

Busy busy busy

Not had a chance to game for ages. No, that's not even true - there've been some pretty fit females I've seen on the commute to work, in various places etc etc... but my aproach anxiety has stopped me. There's something very very daunting about trying to initiate conversation on a train platform - much more so than most other places.....

I really ought to get over myself.

The only thing I've done of any note was number close a minor-celebrity artist at an event last week. But I'm not saying who, and it doesn't really merit a field report. And she's only a HB 7.5, so I'm not sure I'll call her. Perhaps I should though. Shagging a celebrity is definately on my list of things to do before I die, but I reckon I can do better.


Monday 18 February 2008


It occured to me the other day, that I've kind of surpassed my original goals. Originally I expected to go on a long journey of change, with the end result that I would be able to attract beautiful women. Now, despite the fact that I would love to attract any gorgeous women I meet - I only really expected that I'd be able to develop enough confidence to spark a conversation with women, seduce them and eventually fuck them. But I've gone beyond that. It's hard to explain how, but I think it has something to do with the level of success I had on the inside, which doesn't necessarily match up to what I said I wanted. My internal levels of success have been reached - and I can't even define how or why, I just know they are.

It's a sense of peace more than anything else. I now know with complete conviction, that I can go out and attract beautiful women. Unless I get horribly disfigured, or am the victim of some kind of skin-destroying acid attack at the hands of an alien invasion force, I know I will always be able to attract women and I will never be alone. And let's face it - if aliens invade sex will be the last thing on my mind. Well, OK, perhaps not last - maybe somewhere near the #2 spot.

The sense of peace is pretty damn good. When I go out now and spend time with women I'm not really worried about failing - cos I know the next girl is around the corner. Perhaps all this bollocks I've read about adopting an "abundance" mentally is finally kicking in.

So now I have a choice. I can quite happily sit here and use my new powers and skills without investing much time and effort into them. Provided I continue to use them, they will get better over time naturally and I'll be set for life with women. Or I can take things to the next level. I can redefine my internal level of success and decide to dedicate a larger part of my life in becoming a true master of man-woman relationships.

I believe anyone can become skilled in anything, provided they apply themselves for long enough. I know I can gain skills in anything I put my mind to - and I believe all men are capable of this. But mastery, that's something else. Mastery is when you become skilled to a level surpassing expertise. A master is someone who is the embodiment of his particular field of skills, knowledge or power. He is a teacher and a man who knows the subject well enough to re-create the way it is seen, perceieved and understood. Becoming a master, a true master, takes commitment, time and a real devotion. Whilst I believe that all men can become skilled in all things, I believe man can master few things to the highest level within one lifetime. And that's fine, all that matters is choosing the thing to become a master in.

If I look at myself I can see where I have talent, and I can see where I am able to learn new skills quickly and effectively. One of the things I love about Asian cultures (or at least, my romanticed view of them), is they way that a man will pick something and devote his life to the mastery of it. I would very much like to pick something that I can dedicate myself to in such a way.

Perhaps this is it... I know I could already help many many men unlock their inner awesomeness to help them attract women. I think it's a very honorable undertaking and I know I could use this power to bring joy to a lot of frustrated people out there. I don't pretend I'm a master yet - there are many many more skilled individuals out there. But I at least have an advantage in that I've been studying the process of self-improvement for the last three years.

Few people ever follow their real calling in life. Is this mine?

Something to think about.


Tuesday 12 February 2008

Auf Wiedersehen

GermanGirl rang me up last night. The conversation went something like this.

Fluff talk, yadda yadda, then
GermanGirl: There's something I think I should tell you.
Bandit: (slowly) OK
GermanGirl: Well. I met a guy at the weekend, and I think I want to see him again.
Bandit: I see.
GermanGirl: I'm so sorry.
Bandit: It's OK.
GermanGirl: You're not angry with me?
Bandit: No. Not yet. I mean, maybe I will be in five minutes, or I'll have a fit of jealousy, but really it's OK. We never had anything more than a very casual relationship.

We chatted a little more. I told her she doesn't necessarily have to break up with me because she's seeing someone else (here's me leading up to telling her I'm seeing other people), but she says she think it would be odd seeing two people at once. She said she was surprised how well I was taking it, I re-iterated that we only ever had a casual relationship and it was no big deal.

As we ended the conversation I told her "So when, if, you get bored of this guy, give me a shout and maybe we can go out for a drink some time".

Looking back, that's such a cheesy line, but she then finished with "Ok, so it's alright if I call you then?".

I don't think I've felt this emotionally unbothered with a breakup since I was 16 and just snogging girls. Part of me is still waiting to get hit with a ton of emotion, but it just isn't happening - I don't feel numb, I feel nothing. Sure it's annoying, as I was hoping to get her round this evening, but no worries, I have a couple more to choose from.

But the question remains.... why the fuck don't I care about this at all? I mean, yesterday I was more pissed off when I got a parking ticket. Hmmm. Well, I guess I can't complain, but it's a little eerie and unnatural.


Thursday 7 February 2008


What are my values? This is an interesting question, and one that was provoked by this conversation on The Attraction Forums -

Instead of starting with my values though, I think I'm better of first defining my mission. Then I'm better able to write down values that apply to my mission, rather than just pick'n'mixing the ones that sound good.

My Mission

I've spent the last 6 years going from LTR to LTR - without more than a month or so in between them. I'm 23 and I've never really been single. I've not been free to go out and meet a load of women and have a string of casual relationships with them. I want no strings attached fun, and lots and lots of great sex with the most beautiful women I can find.

My Values
  • I always treat women well.
  • I have good meaningful relationships wherever possible (though to be honest, physical attraction on it's own is enough for me).
  • I strive to leave women feeling happy and glad they got to know me.
  • I ensure women receive equal or higher pleasure to me, from being with me and having sex with me.
  • I am comfortable having multiple relationships.
  • I am truthful and never deceive women, even if it jeapordises my relationship with them.
  • I do not get jealous or angry if any of the women I'm 'seeing' are having relationships with other men - it would be too hypocritical otherwise.
  • I will remain independent, and prioritise my mission over any single woman, for as long as my mission remains important to me.
  • I will continue to improve myself, push myself beyond my comfort zone, and do damn scary things.
I think that's it.

In unrelated matters, I have a cold coming on. Fucking wonderful :s


Wednesday 6 February 2008

LR - HiredGun HB9

I always used to think I wasn't the kind of bloke who could end up going to an event, and then pick-up and seduce one of the stunning Hired Guns they have there. Previously I would have been right - no girls get approached more than hired guns, they've seen every trick several times over and have had more males salavating over them than an alsations dinner bowl. I'd tried in the past, of course, to flirt with them and interest them - and like every other shmuck out there I'd been given the standard "Ok, I'm flirting with you because I'm paid to be here - not because I like you" in return.

No more.

Wednesday of last week I went to a trade show. It's a pretty big show, and I know it's going to be a good day out (and nice to get out of the office for a change). Sure, in the back of my mind I know there will be girls there - but that's neither why I'm going nor the kind of person I expect to meet when I'm there (yes - of course some people in my industry are fit - quite a few actually - but my point is that I'm not out on the prowl).

I arrive to find a bunch of chain-smoking, bored-looking exectives loitering outside with a cigarette in one hand, yelling to some poor PA down their iPhone's in the other. I walk inside and past the desk and spot a gorgeous blonde - she's 5'8, skinny as anything, blonde and with a good set of tits. A real HB9, for sure. In any case, she's in front of me as I wonder inside, handing out 'goodie' bags full of pointless brochures about pointless products that no-one will ever read. None-the-less I walk towards her to pick mine up.

Bandit: "Is this bag just full of crap?"
HiredGun: "I dunno - maybe"
Bandit: "Alright, I'll risk it" (take it from her)
Bandit: "Where's the cloackroom?"
HiredGun: "Erm, it's over there towards than hanger-like building, but you'll have to pay £2"
Bandit: "Ah, that's what you think - but I have one of these"
HiredGun: "Oooh, a VIP pass.... what is it you do"

And we start bantering a bit - i forget what about. I tease her a bit and then go to leave. I tell her I'll find her later.

A while later I find her in the VIP area. I meet her sister, and the three of us banter for a bit before I leave.

Later on, on my way out - I see HiredGun for the third time, chatting to some people in a booth.

Bandit: "Are you stalking me?"
HiredGun: "No, shut up"
Bandit: "If you're waiting for me outside my house when I get home I'm not going to be impressed"

I banter with her a bit more and tell her I'll be back over the next couple of days.

On the way back from the show I remember thinking a Wayne's World line: "She will be mine, oh yes, she will be mine". I vow to find her again when I go back. All other thoughts are secondary - and I don't remember finding anything else at that trade fair genuinely interesting. Despite this I decide I'm going back, and will think up a good pretense in order to get out of work (fortunately I find one - my VIP pass gives me free access to seminars).


I return. I'm not there long before I run into the sister, and a masseuse I got chatting with on the Wednesday. Whilst I am having the most awesome massage (another perk of my VIP pass), HiredGun comes intot he VIP booth. She's excited to see me. We get chatting. She lives in the same area I've just moved to.

HiredGun: "It must be fate".

Oh yeah - there's a line I can run with, followed with:

"It's really cool to meet local people, give me your numbers, we should all go out with my house mates some time"

She invites me to go for coffee with her and her sister on their break, and then as we're walking out of the door she suddenly decides to bring some bloke along who she'd met previously. What's this I think, is she playing me along, is she playing us off against each other. To be fair the guy was good competition - 6ft7 motherfucker with the surfer look and from the states. Anyway, I decide that there's only room for one Alpha Male in our group - and frame things that way. I get chatting to dude2 and he turns out to be a very decent bloke - I get his card as I think there's some work I can throw his way.

The show ends and I run into the girls again - they're getting the bus home the same way as me. I was toying with the idea of heading back to work to pick up some stuff first, but it's a good opportunity so I think fuck it - and we all get the bus together. I get some great cocky-funny stuff going on the bus (although it was hard to get a word in edgeways, those two could have talked for England).

HiredGun tells me she's free Sunday/Monday and I tell her I'll call her. Result.

(As an aside I go out later in that evening and number close twice more. Triple result ;)).


We've arranged to meet at a local bar, and I tell her that I'll call her when I leave work to let her know when to meet me. She's impatient though, and gets there early (before I've left work), so we compromise that I'll meet her there before I take my stuff back to mine. This again suits me fine - I get to show her my awesome new place and she'll therefore be far more comfortable with the idea of coming back to mine later.

I arrive at the bar. I walk in and see her - my head does a crazy movie-style crash zoom thing as I see this vision of absolute stunningness sitting across the bar. Out of her work-gear and into evening wear and she looks utterly hot. I buy a round and launch into being cocky-funny and avoid asking her the same old shitty pointless questions I used to ask girls. I instantly start kino-escalating and I'm soon getting IOI's from her. We finish our drinks and head back to mine.

At my place I give her the guided tour. She loves it (to be fair - it's an amazing house). I take her to my room briefly and then sort my crap out and we leave. As we walk down the road I put my arm around her. She puts hers around me. This is good kino escalation.

Onto the next bar and we go to this chic place with some pretty atmospheric lighting. This is where the first 'test' comes up. We walk in and choose a table and put our things down. I stop talking and wait for her to offer me a drink. She doesn't, but instead says "Let's go get a drink". We walk to the bar. Again, I wait. She waits. I wait. Then she comes out with:

"I'm going to have a gin and tonic, is that alright?"
"Sure, it's your round"
"Oh, I don't have any money on me"
"Well that's silly isn't it"
"Maybe they'll take card"

She asks the barman, and he says yes if it's over £10. Two drinks isn't quite that much.

"Alright", I tell her, "I'll get this one and you can get the next one once we've been to a cash point".

This is so critical a point in the interaction I'm going to go over it again. So many blokes (myself included, not so long ago), would have simply offered a drink rather can go through the awkward silence at the bar. The fact that she was not only prepared to accept this - but planned this to the point where she brought no cash with her - only serves to illustrate my point that girls can consistantly get blokes to pay for everything. It's therefore crucial to make this clear very early on. The message is: "We are equals. If I buy a drink - you buy the next one." Now the great thing about this is that girls know it's cheeky to get guys to pay for everything, so if you call them on it they can only ever back down - it's simply rude if they insist on paying for nothing. On top of that you've shown you're assertive and you've framed the rest of the evening/future dates in a way that won't piss off your bank manager.

After this though, for a reason I haven't yet worked out, she get's a bit offish. She starts talking about other blokes, and acting more interested in the menu than me. Another test? Yeah, quite likely perhaps - though maybe she was just pissed off that I'm not the kind of guy she can take for a ride. So, anyway, she's being offish. I tell her we're going outside for a cigarette. And then suddenly the moodiness vanishes and she's fine again. Odd. So there's something new - if you're on a date and she gets moody: bounce to a different venue.

I decide we're going to go and get a drink somewhere else (via a cashpoint, of course), and we end up doing a full circle of the high-street before ending up back at the first bar. By now I'm now holding her hand as if we've been going out for months. So we arrive back at the first place - it's noisy, but alright. She suggests we get a jug of cocktail, which she pays for. Ah. Good shit. So we banter away for another hour or so. We're getting a bit tipsy by now, and the conversation is just a mix of her madness and my witty banter, which I'll spare you from apart from where necessary. At some point she decides to put on some more lip gloss.

HiredGun: "Do you want some?"
Bandit: "Haha, you must be joking"
HiredGun: "Are you sure?"
Bandit: "The only way you'll get that shit on me is if you kiss me".

I go in for the kiss, but I get rejected. I can't work this out. Everything is going smoothly. I've kino escalated and she's comfortable with me touching her. She's laughing at my jokes. But there's resistance. Damn. I excuse myself and go to the loo. Time to regroup and work this shit out. I give myself a prep-talk and, despite feeling like a cock for doing it, I tell myself "It's on. She's into me and I'm going to kiss her".

I come back upstairs and check a text message. She comments on my phone. I have a flash of inspiration.

Bandit: "It's a camera too".
Her: "Oh cool"
Bandit: "Yeah, let me switch it on. Ok. Come here, let's see what we'd look like as a happy couple. Smile into the camera".
Bandit: "Good. Nice photo. Ok, now show me your angry scowling face".
Bandit: "Excellent. Alright, I wonder what we would look like if we kissed".

It worked so well it might as well have been a magic spell. It's devestatingly effective. I mean, I read about it before in The Game, and I thought it was cool - but could it actually work? Well, the answer is yes. She loved it. And my god was she into the kissing after that. From there it was a simple matter of keeping the energy high and the kissing good until we got chucked out at closing time.

We start walking. I don't tell her we're going back to mine (again, a mistake I would have made in the past). I simply start us walking on the road back to mine, and then tell her we're going to pick up some more booze and ciggies on the way. No resistance at all.

Back at mine we go straight up to my room. She wants to roll a joint. Sure, why not. Now, I do want to make one thing straight here. I don't do drugs. I used to smoke weed, a lot, and I've tried coke once. Now, I occasionally smoke a bit of pot if it happens to be there. Again, this is a point where the old me would have probably gone along with anything. The new me thought: hmm, ok, well, I quite like pot and it's been a while. Why not, it'll be fun. And now that it's my place I can smoke wherever I want. So she rolled one up. My brother came in and joined in the joint-smoking and we got her laughing at our banter.

A joint or two later, she starts trying to undress me so I kick my brother out. She's all over me and things start heating up. But then after about five minutes of escalating hotness she just stops and starts talking crap. Odd. Ok. Whatever. Start again. This carried on THE WHOLE FUCKING EVENING. It was absurd. Things would get hot and frisky, and then she'd hit the 'off' button. When she was on, she was definately on. She's the most aggressive girl I've ever met. She bit me. She scratched her nails down my chest and back (I look like I've been in a fight with a tiger as I write this), and even slapped me. Hard. Only once though, as after she did that I picked her up and threw her onto the bed, pinning her down beneath me.

Anyway, I digress. For whatever reason she kept interrupting 'the moment'. Did I make a mistake? Perhaps.... perhaps I should have given her the cold shoulder once she started wrecking 'the moment'. In future, I'll try it. Anyway, this carries on for what felt like hours. Eventually, I decide to take her panties off, whilst the heat is on and she tells me "You can't see down there until after my waxing appointment tomorrow".

Fuck it. I fall asleep. Or at least I try... Instead I'm frustrated as a bastard and I'm plagued with self doubt. What the fuck just happened... this isn't normal. And then an internal monologue where the deamons in my head fought out the detail of why I hadn't had sex: half blaming me and calling me all variety of names, half blaming her... a very small number of voices trying to soothe me, calm me down, and tell me that "it doesn't matter". Of course, it didn't matter. Nonetheless I can hear the birds starting to sing as I finally drift off to sleep.


Morning. I awake with a raging hard-on. My shit feels like it's going to explode. Despite the fact it's far to early to be considered civilised I wake her up and start trying to get things on. She's into it - but not as much as I'd like. But then she goes down on me, which was simply awesome. You know that theory that girls with tongue studs give better head? The theory is good.

Later on in the day she texts me "I know this sounds a bit clingy, but what are you up to this evening?"

Now I know it's on. It was awesome. She comes round with a dvd, some wine and some weed (see how my framing us as equals yesterday meant she had no problem bringing round some wine today instead of insisting I provide it).

A bit of smoke, mind-blowingly-awesome sex, more smoke, giggling fit for about half an hour, a good film, and I fell asleep curled up with the hottest women I've ever had. Once again I had some LMR, but this time I defused it nicely. As I went in to take off her panties:

"All you want to do is take my panties off an fuck me, don't you" (said in an accusatory way, in the kind of 'all you want me for is sex' type way).
"Yes. I am going to take your panties off, and then I am going to fuck you".

And it was epic. Best sex I've ever had.


Tuesday 5 February 2008

No more internet

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