Sunday, 22 June 2008

Fuck it. Time for some truth. If I can't be truthful in an anonymous blog talking to people I don't know, then when can I be truly honest?

Right now, I feel disillusioned with the whole concept of pickup and going out and pulling random women. Something about it doesn't feel right. I can't lay my finger on it precisely, but I know what feels wrong. He's what I currently dislike:

  • I don't like going out and pulling the wool over the eyes of women. I truly hate lying and dishonesty, and I don't like pretending to be someone I'm not to impress anyone, let alone someone who I intend to have an intense emotional relationship with.
  • I don't like the girls I've met. None of them have been the "kind of girl" for me. I don't know what the kind of girl is, but I've not felt any real connection with the ones I've met. Why? Well perhaps it's because I've forced myself to seduce and fuck girls that I'd otherwise never meet or have anything to do with. It goes beyond that - even amongst the girls I've only dated or snogged (which are far more numerous than the ones I've fucked), I've not enjoyed their company or their conversation. Fuck being shallow. I don't enjoy it. Don't get me wrong. I love sex. Sex is great. In fact I can't really think of anything that's more awesome that really good sex. But right now I find that sex is coming at the expense of finding someone I enjoy being with. All the girls I've fucked recently have not intererested me as people.
  • It isn't making me a better person. It's making me a different person. As a human, there's no doubt my personality has improved. By personality, I'm talking about all the things that make up good social interaction - confidence, the ability to to amuse and entertain, storytelling, the ability to read people, the ability to think quickly on my feet, the ability to use my surroundings to my advantage, and the ability to seduce people (not just women) to my way of thinking. But my character has not improved. I have not become any better at the things that make a real difference - honour, loyalty, goodness, helping others, justness, truthfulness and simply doing the right thing.
  • I feel no satisfaction. Sure, I get bragging rights, but who really gives a fuck about notches on my bedpost (and I say that in a purely metaphorical way, I rent, and therefore can't afford to lose the deposit on my bed). A small impish boyish part of me takes pride in the fact that I've fucked a load of women (not that it's even that many), but that's crushed by the adult part of me that sees all I've done as a bit of crusading. A conquest to fuck women. I genuinely believe I've not done any of them wrong, and that they've all enjoyed sex with me. But I do feel that I used my new "skills" to manipulate the situation to my advantage.
Perhaps I feel guilt? No. Not really.

Perhaps regret? Again. No. I don't regret it at all. Now I know that I CAN go and seduce and fuck seriously hot women. I'm able to do it. I'm a real man, goddamn it. No, I genuinely don't regret it, as 9 months ago there was a voice of doubt in my mind. It's now been crushed.

So what is it then? Well, if I were to pinpoint it I would say it's the following:




















Simply as that. Perhaps.

This has been my first post for a while, and after reading the above, it won't come as a shock that I don't intend on writing for a while.

Pathetic as this may sound, the only girl I've ever loved is moving back to the UK in 9 days time. I've been thinking about her for months. I never appreciated what we had when we were together, and I don't know if I can ever rebuild what we had. All I know is that if I don't try, I'll have to live with the what if forever. Ironically, it's the same "what if" that drove me into the game. Not exactly the same, but similar I believe.

I'll leave the last paragraph there, but re-reading it I HATE the way it starts. Fuck any of you for judging that as pathetic. I've gone through the game, I put time and effort in and I've discovered something about myself: you never really appreciate what you have until it's gone.

I may return. I came here in the first place for the right reasons. Now I've chosen a different path. But if she doesn't want me back, then once I've dealt with that, I may return. But if I do, they will be for different reasons, and for different goals.

I had a great time. But I leave now, for as long as I choose, with no remorse. Good luck to all you guys out there. I know that this blog has been helpful to some of you, which has made it worth the writing. Really these final comments are to you, as you deserve some explination of why I'm disappearing.



Monday, 12 May 2008


It's late. The last 2 weeks have been manic. I need sleep.

Quickly, the thigns that have happened recently:

Phoenix Lune and I went out day sarging. It was awesome, although I bombed pretty much every set I opened. Then, quite awesomely, I got us banned from Abercrombie and Fitch for sarging too much! We were told not to come back, or we'll be in big trouble. Hint: if you're going to chat up every girl in a shop, don't do it wearing a damn cowboy hat.... I was hardly discreet.

ActressGirl has flaked on me. No real surprise. Fuck it.

RedHead from a couple of weeks ago, ParamedicGirl, and I went on a D2. I think I went OTT though by taking her somewhere awesome, the Absolut Ice Bar. I recommend it - but not for a first date. And wear something warm - as obvious as it is, it's fucking cold.

Weather is awesome. I am now lobster red - but with a bit of luck it'll turn brown instead of peel off, so at least I no longer look like I sit stuck behind a desk 24/7. Cos that ain't so... it's so much more like 23/7...

Work is rediculously manic at the moment. It's almost 1am, and I'm up at 6am to hit the gym. My weight heavy regime and the creatine are starting to show, but I'm only half way through the first 4 weeks and have lots more to do.

Oh yeah, and last week, HiredGun called me up. She wants to come and visit for a few days. Random. Unexpected. Pretty damn cool. Will have to sort that out.

And SwissGirl (my hot house-mate)'s sister wants to fuck me. She pretty much told her sister. That's awesome. The question is do I fancy a holiday in Switzerland.... or should I be a lazy bastard and get her to come here....?


Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Intuitive Response

I'm sat here at work ploughing through some horribly mundane media management, and I've got my iPod on. Right now, I'm listening to the David Allen Series: Getting Things Done Faster. I'm paying it attention and listening, but I'm not giving it 100% until I get to this. And it made me sit up and take note.

"I'm going to model what it's like to only think once a week. I only think about once a week. It's true, cos when I think, I really think. I go through every single loop in my life, I go through every single thing that needs to be done, I park the results in system that I trust I'll absolutely see at the right time and the right place. You see most people are thinking about how they should be thinking about what they should be thinking about but they never actually finish what they're thikning about so they live in angst. Instead of just thinking "Hey get the thinking done". Then you go out and intuitively respond.

One of my coaches was a Miami Dolphin's Super Bowler, and we traded coaching [...], so when he started to get this, he said David, guess what? Guess where the last place in the world is where you have the ability to think. In the field. You need to have thought all week, and get ready and train, and get ready and train, and get the responses and think options. Cos when the whistle blows and you're out there, anyone who thinks is dead. You have to be free to intuitively respond."

Nothing could be truer of the game.


Marble Hill Zone

Ok. Saturday night I went out with Phoenix Lune, and "the other dude". It was awesome. Read about that on PL's blog here

Those ending thoughts. Have I been a lazy fucker for the last couple of months? Yeah. Probably. But that's because I'm an inherently lazy person. Laziness is a damn good thing. Too few people are lazy - people run around doing things all the time or working hard. I don't try and work hard, I try and work smart - my aim is always to get as much done as possible, in the smallest amount of time (without sacrificing quality). Trouble is once you do that, you always end up being given more work, but hey, the "principle" is there.

So there we are. I wanted to be able to seduce women. I now can. Why put any more effort in, when I can spend more time optimising other parts of my life, whilst carrying on with my new found skill. I guess, in Sonic The Hedgehog terms, I completed The Emerald Hill Zone (oh and anyone who owns an iPod nano video and who hasn't downloaded the original Sonic should, it's the best). Bandit = PUA level 1.

It wasn't a conscious choice to stop improving - I just found myself less and less interested in learning new techniques. I bought a load of books, which are unread. This blog has been neglected apart from a few posts that do little to demonstrate technique or talk about... well anything other than a few deranged rantings.

So. Time to step up. The aim: PUA Level 2.

Once again I've decided it's not enough. Let me think back six months to my original intent. I think, if I were to write down my mission statement at the time, it would have been something like this:

I'm no longer put up with being single and alone. I want to be able to go out and seduce hot women whenever I want. I want to be able to attract the hottest women out there, and have multiple women on the go. I want lots of sex.

Achieved. So, I will now renounce that. It's not good enough dammit. Now:

I will no longer be content with being good. I want excellence. I want to have the hottest women chasing me. I want to have dozens of girls on the go. I want to have to turn down HB10 hot women, because there simply isn't enough time in the day to see them all. I want to be so good that I'm getting women into threesomes, stealing wags from footballers and shagging celebrities.

Yeah. That'll do nicely.

Time to step up to the plate and excel. And I think I'll start by going back over the basics. On Saturday night I was rusty. I didn't feel ill at ease or uncomfortable and I flowed pretty well and did some great cocky-funny stuff. I was very much myself. But - I forgot a load of good openers that I should've remembered. My arsenal of lines is pretty bare, and as as much as I fancy I don't need them as much, not having them is a mistake when you run out of things to say or try and stick to the 3 second rule all the time.

Time to remedy this.

I'm also now a full week into some intense weight training, with the aim of bulking up (well in time for the beach this summer). My entire body aches, and I'm now playing football (soccer) twice a week. This is part of my aim - I want to look so awesome, that women are instantly attracted to my physically and not just attracted by my charm and character.

And I'm going to read all those books I bought and never got round to reading, as well as re-reading all the other books I read before. Damn that's a long reading list

  • The Game
  • The Mystery Method
  • Magic Bullets
  • The Red Queen
  • Fire In The Belly
  • The Art of Seduction
  • Alexander Technique
  • The Power of Now
  • The Rules of The Game - wonder if I should do the StyleLife Challenge
  • The Definitive Book of Body Language
  • The Richard LaRuina book (forgot the title)
And watch all the DVD's and listen to all the podcasts I have.

Good stuff. I can't wait, and so I'm off to start now


No. Wait. Quick update on girls

ActressGirl - D3 next week. Going to take her somewhere awesome.
Red - D2 next week if I carry on playing phone game right.
SpanishGirl - Haven't yet called her, as I wasn't sure until just a few hours ago what had happened when PL and "the other dude" met up with them. I'll call her tomorrow and try and instant date her, perhaps.




Tuesday, 15 April 2008


If you were to hazard a guess as to why most men achieve real success in their careers in their late forties and fifties, what would you put that down to? Experience? A lifetime of contacts, and a reputation? Savvyness acquired from being in an industry for years?

No. I've had it put to me that it's because until then, the average man runs around chasing women.

I can very much believe it, because today, I cannot stop thinking about this damn woman. It's absurd. Whatever professional relationship I once had with the work colleague has been replaced... but I'm not sure what with. She's being rediculously neutral.

Thursday I'm going to watch ActressGirl in her production. I'm going with work colleague. It's a short piece, so I can see it now - we'll be in the bar afterwards and the far more interesting drama will begin. I mean you can't get a much more volitile mix of characters. The Actress, her boyfriend, the guy she's just started dating, and the girl this guy has just ended up in bed with, who is also her friend.

It's absurd.

But it gets worse. It seems pretty obvious to me now that ActressGirl isn't interested in being my fuck buddy or having a random fling. Whilst I don't know if she's genuinely interested in me at all, I know that if she wants me, she wants me to be her "boyfriend". She's in it for something more long term than a fuck.

Which means it's a lose-lose situation. I cannot think of a worse girlfriend to have. I mean, sure, I get all the bragging rights and for the few few weeks it'd be great no doubt. And she is seriously seriously stunning. But she's also a spoilt brat who is used to getting her way. And I won't give it to her. So we'll fight. All the time. Then the jealousy will start. And the mistrust. I mean it's a golden rule that you never get into anything serious or long term with a girl you start seeing whilst she's cheating on her current boyfriend. My father made that mistake, and it came back to haunt him 10 years, a house, and two kids later. Leapards don't change their spots.

It will end in tears. And probably not hers.

And despite this.... I cannot bring myself to call it off. I know I'm marching towards pain and misery, and yet in spite of this I can't stop myself.

Oh, and I know the sum total of this makes me look like my frame is weak. I can hear the voices of PUA's in the back of my mind: "Create your own reality and invite her in", "Have an all powerful frame and sweep her off her feet". Sorry, but it ain't going to happen. If I was going to fuck her quickly, I would have done by now. I've seen her 3 times, and each time I've made my move and been rejected. Yet she still wants to see me. I've tried playing the game by my rules, and it ain't working. Sure I'll carry on living in my reality and yeah, I'll carry on seducing her and making my move and running A class game... but so far she's been pretty immune to anything that takes us beyond "comfort" and into seduction.

And I can't fucking concentrate on my damn work. It's ten to six and I've done sweet fuck all today. Again I hear the cries: "One-itis Bandit, get over it". Sure, it's one-itis, but it's not an obsession with a girl I can never be with. She's a pure 10, and within a couple of weeks she will be mine...

It's just that making her mine is perhaps the worst outcome I could possibly imagine...


Actors darling, who'd date em?

Honestly, I'm not in the mood to write, but as I said I'd update here it is.

Nothing happened. Well, OK, I took her out for a meal and we spent a few hours together. 5 hours. That brings the total up to 16 hours I've spent with her. And what do I have to show for it?

I guess I'm "dating" her now, as we went on a "date" of sorts.

But I feel trapped in old AFC territory. She sees herself as a "prize" to be won through courtship, perhaps. Or perhaps that's how I see it? In any case the full on seduction approach isn't working so it will have to be much slower.

Ordinarily, I'd walk.... but I'd be a fool to walk away from a girl as beautiful as she....


Monday, 14 April 2008

The merits of sobriety

You know your plan has gone askew, when you spend the night seducing a HB10 girl and end up in another girls bed.

As the fog in my mind started to lift I started to remember where I was and who was with me. As the facts came rushing back into sharp focus I remembered.

You know it's gone really bad when the girl is far far less fit than the HB10 you were originally trying to seduce.

No. It can't be real. This is a bad dream. How did this happen?

You know the situation's going to be hard to recover, when you realise the girl you're in bed with is the other girls friend.

Did we? No. Am I sure? No. It's OK. We definitely didn't. I fell asleep straight away. I resisted her, she wasn't taking no for an answer. But nothing happened, I fell asleep. But my god is it going to be awkward when she wakes up.

You know you've had far too much to drink, when you realise the girl who's sleeping on you... is your work colleague.

Not good.

And I "may", just "may" have ruined my chances with ActressGirl. Great. Fucking wonderful.

So far I've kiss-closed her, this perfect HB10, and she's the hottest girl ever. I could marry her she's that hot (because girls like this are so rare, would you want to let one get away)? Ok. I know I'm talking out of my arse, and I'm seriously not going to marry her. But I may fall for her.

But before I got my chance to do anything with her... I find myself in a strange situation.

ActressGirl and I met properly last week. She needed help making a DVD, and asked me to give her some help with. Two awesomely flirtation filled mornings later I could sense I had attracted her, and closed the deal with a kiss on day 2. Only problem - she has a boyfriend and is in a play with him until next weekend. Hmm. Ok, she's so hot that I'll be "understanding" and wait. (So very AFC of me, I know.... but I'm kidding myself that I'm being pragmatic).

We have some phone game over the weekend and arrange to meet up Monday (today). Her housemate, my work colleague and I meanwhile arrange to work together on Sunday filming some god awful thing. On the shoot the hours drag on by at the worlds most boring corporate event, and we decide to do what any good TV people do when they get bored - drink free champagne. Lots of it.

A couple of bottles later, she invites me back to hers for some food. I want to see ActressGirl, but decide it's probably a bad idea. She phones ActressGirl, and finds out the boyfriend might be coming round. I tell her that there's no chance I'm going if he's there, and then decide I'm pissed off by the whole idea of her mental process and decide not to go. At the last minute the work colleague convinces me to come along.

The evening goes pretty well. ActressGirl is offish at first, but soon warms up to me again. The other house mates go to bed, leaving ActressGirl, the work colleague and me watching a film. ActressGirl and I start a bit of kino escalation, but then she gets cold feet and gets offish. Caveman is off the cards, as we're not alone. As I start caressing ActressGirl's inner leg something so unexpected happened - that I didn't know how to react.

Work colleague starts snuggling up next to me and rubbing me.

Imagine the situation. There I am with the hottest girl imaginable in my lap and suddenly my work colleague starts trying to join in. Had she been a complete hottie, it would have been awesome. But she's not. I'm just not attracted to her. At all. Fortunately the copious amounts of alcohol fix the problem, and I fall asleep watching Jerry Maguire - and not very far into the film if I remember correctly.

I wake up as ActressGirl is leaving to go to bed. I try to go with her. Denied. Damn. Ok - I fucked up by falling asleep. I go to sleep on the couch. Then all of a sudden:

Work colleague: Bandit, come to bed with me?
Bandit: What? No. Go away.
Work colleague: Come on.
Bandit: No. I'm not sleeping with you.
Work colleague: Don't be a dick. Just come and keep me warm.
Bandit: No. It's weird.
Work colleague: Come on, starts grabbing me.
Bandit: Fine. But no funny business. I'm going straight to sleep.
Work colleague: Ok.

So in my drunken stupor I crawl into bed with her. For the record, let me state that we were both fully clothed and I was asleep within minutes. But she snuggled up good and proper and I could feel her trembling.

Not my best move.

Today at work she's hasn't mentioned it. It's been weird though, and I can tell there's underlying tension. The naive candy-coated part of me wonders if it's just, you know, kind of cool to be able to snuggle up and share some warmth without any implications. But I'm not that naive. Not by far. I know in this real world we live in that people do anything they can to get to fuck the people they are attracted to.

But now for the interesting one. How will ActressGirl react to this? She needs a fix on her DVD, so she's meeting me here at work in an hour. Does she know we "slept" together? Worse, has work colleague lied to her about what happened in order to claim me? I guess all I can do is find out.

I'll update later.

This is a ridiculous situation.


(And obviously, posting about it on the internet is such a wise move...)

Sunday, 30 March 2008

LR - FrenchChick3

French Girls. There's something about French girls that drives me wild. They are the best kissers (hence the French Kiss) that I've ever kissed. I've kissed dozens of English girls and a dozen or so French girls, and with few exceptions French girls are so much better than the Brits. I don't remember ever kissing a French girl and not enjoying it.

The night before last, I wrote the following in my blog:
HB8 - There's a pretty hot French girl staying over at the moment. Although she's my brother's friend's sister, so he may become a little protective if I start chasing her. Oh, and she's 17. Now, before all you Americans freak out, the age of sexual consent in the UK is 16, so it's perfectly legal in my country. The irony is that it isn't in hers... Anyway, she is a bit young, although I'm only 23. Fuck it, I was having sex aged 17 and enjoying it, so no reason why she can't, with me. I'm utterly obsessed with the idea of fucking a French girl.... obsessed I tell you!

So, here's the story:


I got home after a long day at work and a damn good football match, oh, and more than a few beers at the pub afterwards. I find my house has been overrun by my brother and his friends from France, and one of the friends' little sister - all I see of her is a mop of auburn hair, asleep beneath a blanket on the lounge sofa. Anyhow, it was about 2am and I was drunk, so after a quick tin of beer and a ciggie I went to bed.


Friday evening I'm working late. At about 8pm, I get a call from the sister, FrenchChick3. She phoned my up distraught as she was lost in London and couldn't get hold of my brother. Then she ran out of credit. She called back from a pay phone, and ran out of money. I called her back after she got lost a few more times, I eventually guided her home. In the mean time I got hold of my brother and his friends, who had gone into absolute panic (as anyone would when their little sister gets lost in a large city where she can't speak the damn language). So late at night, she eventually gets home and I get the full hero treatment for getting her back.

At this point, a thought occurs to me: I've just "rescued" this girl. I'm her bloody knight in shining armour. This has to be DHV on a massive scale.


After a long day's work (work has gone crazy busy at the moment), I get back home at about 11 pm and find a bunch of drunk teenagers in my lounge. They're having a good time and getting a bit pissed so, despite feeling severely fucked from lack of sleep, I decide to join in the fun. We eventually decide to go out to a few local bars.

As we leave the house, I decide that FrenchChick3, is exceedingly hot. At 5'9 and with high heeled boots, she's almost as tall as me, and she's got sexy auburn hair and a really cute face. A sexual curvy figure and killer lips. I decide she will be mine by the end of the night. I instantly went into PUA mode, like someone had flipped a switch. Of course no-one on the outside would have noticed, because my first "move" was to show her complete indifference, whilst flirting with other women and DHV. On the inside, I was on fire, and coming out with awesome things. It's funny, at the time it just flowed and I didn't have to think about any of it - it just worked and felt completely natural. So what did I do? I kino-escalted. I threw in a jealousy plotline. I made her jump through hoops, and then rewarded her. I kept the energy high.

We've not been out long, and at 1am the bar we're in closes. My brother, having been drunk all day, starts throwing up outside. I leave his mates to pick him up and start walking FrenchChick3 home. As we get to a crossing I tell her to be careful and get her to loop her arm through mine. She keeps it there.

A few minutes later, we arrive at my front door. As I'm putting my key in the lock, I suddenly act on instinct and go caveman on her. I push her up against the door and we start making out. Minutes later we're inside and I take her straight up to my room. As we make out I start undressing her and she does the same to me. I feel completely and utterly confident and comfortable. Previously I've always felt uncomfortable and anxious when I've had a girl in my room for the first time. But this time, I feel completely fine and on fire. We fuck for hours.

The next day I had to work, yet again. I woke up, realised the clocks had changed and had to pretty much run out of the house. She told me she had a great time and we said goodbye, she was due to catch a plane back to Paris later on that afternoon.

That's it.

Now, this is by no measure my most awesome or most impressive Field Report. In fact, if you compare it to my other ones where I really pushed myself into new territory, it's a bit plain. She's not the hottest girl I've ever fucked and I really didn't use anything new or original. The only thing that i found astonishing was that I spent a total of 2 and a half hours with this girl before I fucked her. What's even more astonishing, is out of that 2 and a half hours I spent most of the time ignoring her. In we only spent only 15 minutes (the time it took to walk home from the pub) alone before I fucker her. That's insane. Only 15 minutes in "comfort" before I seduced her? Damn.

My first real night out in over a month. So damn busy.


Is it immoral to fuck a 17 year old? Personally, I feel no guilt or remorse and I don't believe I ever will. She wanted me as much as I wanted her, and it wasn't her first time. I was having sex when I was 17. For me, that's the end of it. But I reckon that a lot of people will have wildly varying ideas on what's right and wrong on this.

She missed her flight. When I got in this evening after another long day at work, I once again found her asleep on the couch. She almost completely blanked me. Everyone else was all high-spirited and happy and it suddenly dawned on me: no-one else knew we'd fucked. So I played along. She went to bed. I went to see her. We chatted for a bit but it turned out she was in a foul mood because her brother had shouted at her for missing her flight. I told her she could come and sleep with me if she wanted, but that I was beat and just wanted to sleep (more truth to that than you might think). She said no. Buyer's remorse? Fine. I honestly don't care. It was good fun and we both enjoyed it at the time. Tomorrow, she "should" be gone by the time I get home and I'll never see her again. For me that's neither a good thing nor a bad thing, it's just the way it is. Of course I'd rather she lived around the corner, but she doesn't.

A final word. What's dawned on me recently is something I've read before without sincerely believing: women love to fuck. It's just as strong an urge for women as it is for men. The only reason it's hard to seduce women, is sex can have much more significant and long term consequences for women. Thus, they are far far more selective about who they'll sleep with than us.


Saturday, 29 March 2008

Girls Girls Girls

I've always told people, at least the few people with whom I've discussed the "game", that the best part of it is this awesome sense of peace. Doubt, fear, anxiety, questioning thoughts and negativity all fade away once you've developed the skills to attract women. Once you know, without doubt, that you can do it, everything else fades into background noise - you feel powerful and full of energy. Jealousy and envy also fade away. I'm no longer jealous of any of my mates, at all. Is it simply because I know I've fucked hotter women than them? Perhaps. I guess it could quite simply be that. Sure, it's primitive, but it feels like an honest answer, and now I find myself rarely if ever envious. And it goes beyond women, I don't feel jealous of other people's opportunities, possessions, success or fame.

Women. Damn, so many women. Ok, let's take stock:

HB9 - I'm seeing her, but it's rare as she's moved away. Damn her. Ah well, we're pretty incompatible on every level beyond a purely physical relationship, to the point where I reckon we'd enjoy each other's company more if neither of us spoke. Trouble is, neither of us can shut the fuck up.

HB8 - Still texting me. I'm still ignoring her. Perhaps it's a bastard thing to do, but she went wacko on me, and anyway, girls don't return my texts frequently enough. Although not after I've slept with them. A friend and I were chatting today, and I got a text as we spoke. I told him about the psycho. He reckoned she's fallen for me majorly and that I must have made a big impression on her. He asked if I'd fucked her, "yeah a few times", I replied. He asked how long it was before I fucked her. A mute silence followed when I told him it was about 7 hours. It was then that I realise,d all of us in the community are judging things on a completely different level to other people - 7hrs from meet to lay is superhuman in the real world. In the real world that only happens in myth. Anyway, she's still psycho, I'm still ignoring her. Poor girl.

HB9 (which is denoted in the very original title). Escalating the flirting by text. She wants to meet up, but tells me she's shy. I think we'll probably meet up in a couple of weeks. MUST get off the texts and on the actual phone more.

HB9 - I've demoted her a rank, as I haven't seen her for about 5 months. Anyway, recently she as thrown back into my social circle and chased me a bit this evening, which was fun. Ended up having a good chat, no, awesome chat, and she wants me to come see her in some theatre production in April. Is she a HB10? Well, possibly, and seeing as the next time I'll see her she'll be in full dress outfit, makeup and professionally lit, I'll probably say yes. The only reason I've demoted her a point, is because I've started finding a lot of girls I used to be really attracted to slightly less attractive. It's a relativity thing, perhaps. Now that I engage with hotter women the others seem less hot. Anyway, as I can't clearly remember her we'll see. 9 for now.

HB8 - There's a pretty hot French girl staying over at the moment. Although she's my brother's friend's sister, so he may become a little protective if I start chasing her. Oh, and she's 17. Now, before all you Americans freak out, the age of sexual consent in the UK is 16, so it's perfectly legal in my country. The irony is that it isn't in hers... Anyway, she is a bit young, although I'm only 23. Fuck it, I was having sex aged 17 and enjoying it, so no reason why she can't, with me. I'm utterly obsessed with the idea of fucking a French girl.... obsessed I tell you!

HB8 - I'm finding myself flirting a little more, but to be honest I'm leaving this to either happen naturally or not at all. Sure, I could force the situation, but i have to live with the girl. There's some chemistry there, but it's such a bad idea and will end in tears. Hers, most likely, as I'm not interested in monogamous and I didn't move into this awesome house only to find I'm not bringing girls back here.

HB9 - Didn't see her whilst I was in France. She was away. Ah well, I'll try again in six months.

HB8 (again, note the original title) - She's in Spain this week, but when she gets back I know she wants to go out for a drink. The problem is she's very good friends with my cousin, and I know she's looking for more than something casual. Still, no harm in a drink?

HB9 - She lives too far away. Essex.... I mean dammit why do I keep meeting girls who live far away? Just like the next one...

HB 8 - Had an awesome all night party. Lots of flirting. She has a boyfriend and lives in sodding Wales... but I could so tell it was on, I only needed a few more hours and she's have been mine. I know it. Shame I had to leave. Next time, she will be mine.

Done. 1 girl I'm fucking, 8 girls i'm chasing, and a psycho who's chasing me. It's 2am and I'm on a film set at 8am tomorrow morning. It's going to be a long day...


Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Sex Transmutation

It's funny how more and more of the books I'm reading at the moment, despite being suggested to me by "the community", frown on the idea of promiscuity. Think and Grow Rich, Thick Face Black Heart, and The Way Of The Superior Man all suggest the same thing: fucking lots of women is a bad thing. Why? Chasing sex robs us of our desire for everything else.

Napoleon Hill argues "Why do so few men succeed before their forties? Indeed, the majority of men don't hit their working stride until well into their fifties. Why? Because until then men spend their effort, and their energy chasing women". Sex is the most powerful urge we have, it's a basic need and a desire stronger than anything else. Drugs, alcohol, success, pain - all of these pale in comparison to the euphoria we get from sex. (Anyone that argues differently hasn't had truly awesome sex... or perhaps they are heroin junkies, in which case they won't be reading my blog, and therefore won't be arguing either).

The only way out, argues this combined wisdom, is to transform your sex energy into your daily life. Ejaculate, they tell, rarely (whether through intercourse or masturbation), as the life-force you send forth through your semen is precious and shouldn't be thrown away lightly (starting to sound overly spiritual...) - within it is a source of power. Which leads to this: Sex Transmutation - the art of harnessing your sexual energy and repurposing it in other areas of your life, namely your career.

I don't know if it's true, but I'll tell you what I do know: the longer I go without an orgasm through masturbation the more energy I feel I have. Contrary to this - the more sex I have the better and more energetic I feel, I rarely feel tired the day after sex (actually, I usually feel pretty damn awesome).

What I do know is true though, is that women or thoughts of sex, send energy waves through the body. Thinking of sex is a better stimulant than coffee, and will wake you up better than a line of coke (not that I do coke, but I felt compelled to write that). I know that when my energy is low, thinking of a hot girl will give me a boost.

The trouble is I then struggle to take my mind back off her, and waste the next few hours chasing women or at best reading PUA material or browsing forums....

Oh, and check out those three books, they are awesome and filled with helpful stuff.


Thursday, 20 March 2008


Certain things are guaranteed to impress women. These are things that are by and large not overly difficult to master, but if you're able to do them well you'll score brownie points. Let's see. Women love it if you're good at:
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Sport
  • Keeping a cool head in tough situations
  • Getting along well with people in her social circle, especially her close friends
  • Dressing well
  • Grooming
There are no doubt a load more. Lots of these things are overlooked by man, who want to focus more on technique and "lines", but mastering these far easier skills gives you something more: belief in yourself. Once you have a girl compliment you physically or smile when she tucks into food you've cooked for her, you have her hooked. It's impressing her in a very natural way. I'd argue that the above list of qualities are things that come easy to the naturals out there.

So why does Cooking top the list? I've started getting into it. Last night I cooked the most awesome Ragu ever. I cook a pretty damn good Spaghetti Bolognaise already, and it's not a million miles away, but this was awesome. The recipe is from Nigella Lawson's Express and took me 20 minutes from start to eating. Finding the bloody ingredients took longer! The book is ideal for anyone who needs to cook damn tasty food fast. Once I've cooked my way through a few more recipies, I'll review it properly.


Monday, 17 March 2008

Monday Mornings

I must get out of bed...

Damn I hate Monday mornings, the fucking traffic I'm going to have to sit in on the way to work, the damn job I'm hating more and more with every passing day, the sense of having to conform and fit in with a lifestyle you no longer want or even need... Having to play by someone else's rules, a complete lack of liberty. Frustration, bubbling, simmering hotter and hotter every day until you feel like a boiler about to burst. Knowing that freedom is only a chasm's leap away and that you have the power, skill and ability to make the jump... but hesitating, and turning away afraid because despite every fibre of your being telling you, you can make the jump, there's doubt. And then regret, that you didn't jump and still haven't. Across the chasm are riches.... but right now I'm stuck on the island of mediocrity. Jump. I need to jump.

But one step at a time.

I must get out of bed...

Non-pyschotic women

I've not seen HiredGun for a while, not since she moved back to Birmingham. How annoying - I meet an incredibly hot HB9, who lives within 5 minutes walking distance of my new house, and a week later she moves away... Anyway, we're still talking every now and then and I'm now sort of planning to go and see her sometime soon. However, she's sharing a room with her sister, so unless I've got enough skill to get them both into a threesome, it doesn't look like I'll be seeing much action. So that means a hotel. Plus fuel there and back it's turning into an expensive weekend. I could go to Paris for the much... hmmm.... now there's an idea. Perhaps I'll just get her to come here instead.

CostumeGirl and I are now texting. I didn't text her until Saturday - goes to show you can wait a week before getting in touch. Will try and arrange a drink this week, somewhere within walking distance of the house.

Red9 and I are now texting again - though seeing as she blew me off 3 months ago, I honestly don't expect much to come of it. Still - we'll see. Right now I'm taking things very slow. Will spend far more time building up phone game before suggesting a drink.

I've fallen in lust with my new housemate, we'll call her SwissGirl. She's utterly hot and I was attracted to her the second I met her, but I've been trying to be good as I live with her and it's such a bad idea to sleep with her. Such a good idea, but such a bad idea. My instinct, and I can now read women moderately well, is that she's attracted to me too (I get good signs from her), but that she's also being cautious. Oddly, I dreamt about her the other night... Anyway, she's got a friend coming tomorrow from Switzerland, so perhaps I'll seduce her instead...

Have to sort my room out - it's not quite there yet as the ultimate bachelor pad. Need some art for the walls, some matching bedside cabinets, a rug, a desk. Perhaps I'll make the desk myself, as it will need to be an awkward shape to make the most of the available space. Also need a flat screen TV and wall mount - but I'll need to get some more money in first.

I have a new car... which is exactly the same as the other one, but with a manual gearbox. Awesome sexy racy thing, and so much quicker now it's got a proper gearbox.

I saw old friends this weekend, and for the first time in my entire life, I downplayed the success I was having with women. Even then they didn't believe me - but showing them a photo of HiredGun threw them into a mute stupor. I find myself brushing aside the subject whenever it's brought up, as I almost never get a positive reaction. Women generally think I'm a pig, and men either don't believe me or are jealous of me. Perhaps I should invent a fictitious girlfriend...

Psychotic women

PyschoGirl is living up to her name. Last weekend I got a call from an hidden number, which I accidentally cancelled as I took the phone out of my pocked. Seconds later I get a text from her, which simply read:

"Oi :P"

Putting two and two together, I texted backing chiding her for hiding her number, and she then claimed she didn't call. The next day I got a text from her telling me I'd called her... which I hadn't. So I decide to ignore her, as she'd annoyed me with her psychosis and, in any case, I don't want my cock to get bitten off (read my earlier Field Report to understand more).

So, I'm carrying on my life and hope that by now she's gotten the hint and is carrying on with hers. But no. Next text:

"Oh my god, im really sorry if i was incredibly annoying last week, the girls (I assume her flat mates) have only just told me how stupid i was i apologize for being a drunken monkey... again! X"

Ok. Fair enough. But as far as I'm concerned, I dont want to do anything to make her think she's got a chance with me. I was totally honest with her and told her it would never be anything but completely casual, and if she wants either a boyfriend or a relationship I'm not the guy for her. Unable to make up my mind if I should carry on ignoring her, or phone her up and lay it out in black and white: "I don't want to see you any more, you're a psycho hose beast", I decide to leave it a few days and text her, with the intent of letting her down gently. I even entertain the thought of seeing her again, she's not the hottest girl I've fucked, but the sex is good - she makes awesome noises...

Anyway, before I've even left it a day, she ruins her chances of me taking any other form of action than "RUN FOR THE HILLS". Ok, a bit extreme, but she texts me some silly joke thing - which admittedly makes me giggle - but still.... I AM NOT HER BOYFRIEND

Let's recap:

I last text this girl two weeks ago. She texts a few times, which I ignore, because I'm an arsehole. Then she (possibly) hides her number and tries to call me, and then later claims I call her. Psycho alarm bells are ringing, so I decide not to text her again. She apologises for her psychoticisms, but then carries on texting me crap before even waiting for a reply.

My conclusion:

She's a nutter. Failing that, she's bored as she's got no job and she's not studying, and she wants amusement. Failing that, she wants a boyfriend.

The lesson:

No matter how tempting. NEVER FUCK A PSYCHO. I should have learnt the first time....

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


I've been writing a lot less recently, as I've been busy with other projects. I've also been spending far less time studying and improving my game. Instead I'm reading books like Thick Face, Black Heart and Think and Grow Rich - which are much more about general personal development and wealth.

This got me thinking. Actually, my motivation for getting into the game was really my way of solving what I saw as a deficiency in an area of my life. Whilst I may not be anywhere near the level of a world class pick-up artist, I can now go out and attract very hot girls. Not only that, but more importantly, I have the self belief and confidence to know it's not a one-off and that I'll always be able to attract hot women. It's liberating, and where I previously saw a lack of ability and a ton of fear I now see abundance and more than enough women to keep my busy indefinately.

My motivations seem to now be shifting in other directions. Now that I've addressed the 'girl' issue, the next one that I have a real burning desire to 'fix' is my finances. I desire an abundance of wealth and I'm going to go out there and get it. I have a clear plan on how to do this - all I need to do is throw myself into it with passion and confidence and I can see very clearly how it will work for me and make me wealthy. It's very, very exciting. What's awesome, and the reason why I'm discussing this here, is that it's all related. Not the business - no, that's nothing to do with pick up at all, it's related in a different way. Becoming confident and good around women has taught me:
  • DHV - Demonstrate High Value. In business, if you look successful, act successful and talk successful, you get treated as if you're successful. Also, demonstrating the ambition to become wealthy is almost as impressive as wealth itself.
  • How you present yourself in the way you dress is hugely important. As are the details.
  • Inner Game is key - having a central focus and belief inyourself despite criticism and redicule from friends, family and the people you meet is vital.
  • You don't need a lot of money to go out and play.
  • Self discipline is golden.
  • There's a ton of stuff you can read about in books, apply, and get results.
  • The real obsticle is limiting self-beliefs and having a negative attitude.
  • The ones that go out there and take the risks are the ones who learn and eventually succeed.
  • It doesn't matter if you don't succeed immediately, perserverence will overcome initial setbacks and defeats.
  • Anyone can really achieve anything, provided he puts his mind to it.
So there we are. I feel I've restored the balance in my sex life and it's awesome. The next big challenge is seeing if I'm correct in what I've written above and can duplicate the success in my financial life.

This doesn't mean an end to The Bandit though, on the contrary I'll be continuing to chat up and chase women for as long as I can forsee and I certainly don't want a girlfriend again - this is too much fun. It does mean the chances are I'll write less as my "big" challenge is no longer learning the game.

But in the mean time, back to women. Sunday night was epic. Went to a party with my brother and a few friends. Within about five minutes I spotted HB9 NecklaceGirl, and said to my bro "You see that girl there, would you agree she's the hottest girl in the club?", "Yeah", "I'll have her number by the end of the evening". He laughed. The night goes on, i'm chatty to a few girls but I have my eye on the really hot target and after a while I make my move. I chat up her two female friends and have them in stitches whilst target's off chatting to someone else. When she returns I'm already pre-approved by her female friends (and have number closed them both, for good measure, on the pretese of "you guys are fun, let's swap numbers and we can all go out for drinks some time"). So she turns up and I became the funniest man alive. I had them all in fits of laughter. And... I can't even remember what I said. It was all situational and I really really wish I had a voice recorder. You know those times when you're really in the moment - that was exactly it. I was David Beckham before he scored that free kick against Argentina. I was Rambo with a big fat gun. I was Chuck Norris being... well just himself. And so I number closed her with ease. Will be interesting to see where it goes, she's utterly hawt.


Thursday, 6 March 2008


Ok, I'm back.

I've been sick with the mother of all stomach bug's since the end of last week, but I'm fighting fit now and rearing to go. Perhaps I've let things slide a little so far as game goes - I blame this for having two girls I can now turn to instantly for meaningless but pretty good sex. Trouble is one is a complete Psycho - and for the sake of not getting my cock cut off in the night, I HAVE to stop seeing her, and the other's moved to Birmingham. From London. Why?!

Damn. Gotta catch a train in a few minutes. I will finish this post when i get to work...

(31 minutes later)

Damn me. Damn me to hell and back again. Several times. I completely fucking failed to game this hot girl I see on the train every day. I felt like I was stuck in the opening credits of some aweful romantic comedy where the lead, Hugh Grant, grows up never being able to to talk to the girl he fancies. Worse still, I felt like it should have really been a montage shot. Fucks sake. Damn. I mean I had time to come up with so many opening lines... "Hey, you work in XXXX, which company do you work for?", or later after we got off at the same stop and were walking along practically next to each other, "You know smoking in the morning is particularly bad for you..... you got a spare one?".

And I don't care what you say: those lines would have worked excellently. Shame about the bloke who was supposed to be delivering them: he failed to turn up to the gig. Choked. FUCKS SAKE.

I know I can justify it if I try - it's British public transport. The golden rule is "STRANGERS DO NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER. EVER.". I remember my old ma telling me when she was on the tube and they stopped it due to a bomb scare, there was no screaming, panicking or fainting: no... insteading everyone just looked uneasy, but still they did not break this rule.

It would however, be a shit justification: because I've already broken this rule. In fact it was on the tube that I got my first ever Day Game number close, right after reading The Game. So I not only should know better, I do know better.

Rant over.

I'm going to go out gaming with some fellow UK based PUA's. It's interesting how in all walks of life, successful people group together in order to improve and really get to the top of their game. I see this in work, sport and all sort of things so it's no surprise it's the same here. And what's really interesting is that although going out as a group makes the pickings slimmer, as you inevitably have to divide the hotties amongst the men in the group, it's evidently a much better way of operating as otherwise people wouldn't do it! I'm genuinely looking forward to it.

There are some epic books I've been reading recently, the best of which has to be Thick Face, Black Heart. The book is phenomenal and one of the few books I will treasure and read again and again. I'm a chapter away from the end and I may write a review on it when I've finished. I've also read The Way Of The Superior Man, which was OK, but a bit disappointing after all the rave reviews I read. Perhaps I expected too much of it. Still a very good book, and I can understand it's huge popularity as the ideas within are pretty decent. I'm also reading Think and Grow Rich (mind blowingly good), The Art of Seduction (I've been reading this bit by bit since about 2005 I think - can never seem to get through more than a chapter at a time) and The Power of Now (awesomely high concept book - but heavy going and a slow read as it requires a lot of stopping and thinking - or more specifically not thinking). Recently I also bought:
  • Teach Yourself Alexander Technique
  • The Red Queen
  • Atlas Shrugged
  • Fire In The Belly
  • The Definitive Book of Body Language
and a couple of other business books.

I have a meeja party on Sunday I'm quite looking forward to - perhaps simply it's because everyone in the UK media is a wanton slut (myself included) and thus are as easy to game as anything...


Monday, 25 February 2008

Busy busy busy

Not had a chance to game for ages. No, that's not even true - there've been some pretty fit females I've seen on the commute to work, in various places etc etc... but my aproach anxiety has stopped me. There's something very very daunting about trying to initiate conversation on a train platform - much more so than most other places.....

I really ought to get over myself.

The only thing I've done of any note was number close a minor-celebrity artist at an event last week. But I'm not saying who, and it doesn't really merit a field report. And she's only a HB 7.5, so I'm not sure I'll call her. Perhaps I should though. Shagging a celebrity is definately on my list of things to do before I die, but I reckon I can do better.


Monday, 18 February 2008


It occured to me the other day, that I've kind of surpassed my original goals. Originally I expected to go on a long journey of change, with the end result that I would be able to attract beautiful women. Now, despite the fact that I would love to attract any gorgeous women I meet - I only really expected that I'd be able to develop enough confidence to spark a conversation with women, seduce them and eventually fuck them. But I've gone beyond that. It's hard to explain how, but I think it has something to do with the level of success I had on the inside, which doesn't necessarily match up to what I said I wanted. My internal levels of success have been reached - and I can't even define how or why, I just know they are.

It's a sense of peace more than anything else. I now know with complete conviction, that I can go out and attract beautiful women. Unless I get horribly disfigured, or am the victim of some kind of skin-destroying acid attack at the hands of an alien invasion force, I know I will always be able to attract women and I will never be alone. And let's face it - if aliens invade sex will be the last thing on my mind. Well, OK, perhaps not last - maybe somewhere near the #2 spot.

The sense of peace is pretty damn good. When I go out now and spend time with women I'm not really worried about failing - cos I know the next girl is around the corner. Perhaps all this bollocks I've read about adopting an "abundance" mentally is finally kicking in.

So now I have a choice. I can quite happily sit here and use my new powers and skills without investing much time and effort into them. Provided I continue to use them, they will get better over time naturally and I'll be set for life with women. Or I can take things to the next level. I can redefine my internal level of success and decide to dedicate a larger part of my life in becoming a true master of man-woman relationships.

I believe anyone can become skilled in anything, provided they apply themselves for long enough. I know I can gain skills in anything I put my mind to - and I believe all men are capable of this. But mastery, that's something else. Mastery is when you become skilled to a level surpassing expertise. A master is someone who is the embodiment of his particular field of skills, knowledge or power. He is a teacher and a man who knows the subject well enough to re-create the way it is seen, perceieved and understood. Becoming a master, a true master, takes commitment, time and a real devotion. Whilst I believe that all men can become skilled in all things, I believe man can master few things to the highest level within one lifetime. And that's fine, all that matters is choosing the thing to become a master in.

If I look at myself I can see where I have talent, and I can see where I am able to learn new skills quickly and effectively. One of the things I love about Asian cultures (or at least, my romanticed view of them), is they way that a man will pick something and devote his life to the mastery of it. I would very much like to pick something that I can dedicate myself to in such a way.

Perhaps this is it... I know I could already help many many men unlock their inner awesomeness to help them attract women. I think it's a very honorable undertaking and I know I could use this power to bring joy to a lot of frustrated people out there. I don't pretend I'm a master yet - there are many many more skilled individuals out there. But I at least have an advantage in that I've been studying the process of self-improvement for the last three years.

Few people ever follow their real calling in life. Is this mine?

Something to think about.


Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Auf Wiedersehen

GermanGirl rang me up last night. The conversation went something like this.

Fluff talk, yadda yadda, then
GermanGirl: There's something I think I should tell you.
Bandit: (slowly) OK
GermanGirl: Well. I met a guy at the weekend, and I think I want to see him again.
Bandit: I see.
GermanGirl: I'm so sorry.
Bandit: It's OK.
GermanGirl: You're not angry with me?
Bandit: No. Not yet. I mean, maybe I will be in five minutes, or I'll have a fit of jealousy, but really it's OK. We never had anything more than a very casual relationship.

We chatted a little more. I told her she doesn't necessarily have to break up with me because she's seeing someone else (here's me leading up to telling her I'm seeing other people), but she says she think it would be odd seeing two people at once. She said she was surprised how well I was taking it, I re-iterated that we only ever had a casual relationship and it was no big deal.

As we ended the conversation I told her "So when, if, you get bored of this guy, give me a shout and maybe we can go out for a drink some time".

Looking back, that's such a cheesy line, but she then finished with "Ok, so it's alright if I call you then?".

I don't think I've felt this emotionally unbothered with a breakup since I was 16 and just snogging girls. Part of me is still waiting to get hit with a ton of emotion, but it just isn't happening - I don't feel numb, I feel nothing. Sure it's annoying, as I was hoping to get her round this evening, but no worries, I have a couple more to choose from.

But the question remains.... why the fuck don't I care about this at all? I mean, yesterday I was more pissed off when I got a parking ticket. Hmmm. Well, I guess I can't complain, but it's a little eerie and unnatural.


Thursday, 7 February 2008


What are my values? This is an interesting question, and one that was provoked by this conversation on The Attraction Forums -

Instead of starting with my values though, I think I'm better of first defining my mission. Then I'm better able to write down values that apply to my mission, rather than just pick'n'mixing the ones that sound good.

My Mission

I've spent the last 6 years going from LTR to LTR - without more than a month or so in between them. I'm 23 and I've never really been single. I've not been free to go out and meet a load of women and have a string of casual relationships with them. I want no strings attached fun, and lots and lots of great sex with the most beautiful women I can find.

My Values
  • I always treat women well.
  • I have good meaningful relationships wherever possible (though to be honest, physical attraction on it's own is enough for me).
  • I strive to leave women feeling happy and glad they got to know me.
  • I ensure women receive equal or higher pleasure to me, from being with me and having sex with me.
  • I am comfortable having multiple relationships.
  • I am truthful and never deceive women, even if it jeapordises my relationship with them.
  • I do not get jealous or angry if any of the women I'm 'seeing' are having relationships with other men - it would be too hypocritical otherwise.
  • I will remain independent, and prioritise my mission over any single woman, for as long as my mission remains important to me.
  • I will continue to improve myself, push myself beyond my comfort zone, and do damn scary things.
I think that's it.

In unrelated matters, I have a cold coming on. Fucking wonderful :s


Wednesday, 6 February 2008

LR - HiredGun HB9

I always used to think I wasn't the kind of bloke who could end up going to an event, and then pick-up and seduce one of the stunning Hired Guns they have there. Previously I would have been right - no girls get approached more than hired guns, they've seen every trick several times over and have had more males salavating over them than an alsations dinner bowl. I'd tried in the past, of course, to flirt with them and interest them - and like every other shmuck out there I'd been given the standard "Ok, I'm flirting with you because I'm paid to be here - not because I like you" in return.

No more.

Wednesday of last week I went to a trade show. It's a pretty big show, and I know it's going to be a good day out (and nice to get out of the office for a change). Sure, in the back of my mind I know there will be girls there - but that's neither why I'm going nor the kind of person I expect to meet when I'm there (yes - of course some people in my industry are fit - quite a few actually - but my point is that I'm not out on the prowl).

I arrive to find a bunch of chain-smoking, bored-looking exectives loitering outside with a cigarette in one hand, yelling to some poor PA down their iPhone's in the other. I walk inside and past the desk and spot a gorgeous blonde - she's 5'8, skinny as anything, blonde and with a good set of tits. A real HB9, for sure. In any case, she's in front of me as I wonder inside, handing out 'goodie' bags full of pointless brochures about pointless products that no-one will ever read. None-the-less I walk towards her to pick mine up.

Bandit: "Is this bag just full of crap?"
HiredGun: "I dunno - maybe"
Bandit: "Alright, I'll risk it" (take it from her)
Bandit: "Where's the cloackroom?"
HiredGun: "Erm, it's over there towards than hanger-like building, but you'll have to pay £2"
Bandit: "Ah, that's what you think - but I have one of these"
HiredGun: "Oooh, a VIP pass.... what is it you do"

And we start bantering a bit - i forget what about. I tease her a bit and then go to leave. I tell her I'll find her later.

A while later I find her in the VIP area. I meet her sister, and the three of us banter for a bit before I leave.

Later on, on my way out - I see HiredGun for the third time, chatting to some people in a booth.

Bandit: "Are you stalking me?"
HiredGun: "No, shut up"
Bandit: "If you're waiting for me outside my house when I get home I'm not going to be impressed"

I banter with her a bit more and tell her I'll be back over the next couple of days.

On the way back from the show I remember thinking a Wayne's World line: "She will be mine, oh yes, she will be mine". I vow to find her again when I go back. All other thoughts are secondary - and I don't remember finding anything else at that trade fair genuinely interesting. Despite this I decide I'm going back, and will think up a good pretense in order to get out of work (fortunately I find one - my VIP pass gives me free access to seminars).


I return. I'm not there long before I run into the sister, and a masseuse I got chatting with on the Wednesday. Whilst I am having the most awesome massage (another perk of my VIP pass), HiredGun comes intot he VIP booth. She's excited to see me. We get chatting. She lives in the same area I've just moved to.

HiredGun: "It must be fate".

Oh yeah - there's a line I can run with, followed with:

"It's really cool to meet local people, give me your numbers, we should all go out with my house mates some time"

She invites me to go for coffee with her and her sister on their break, and then as we're walking out of the door she suddenly decides to bring some bloke along who she'd met previously. What's this I think, is she playing me along, is she playing us off against each other. To be fair the guy was good competition - 6ft7 motherfucker with the surfer look and from the states. Anyway, I decide that there's only room for one Alpha Male in our group - and frame things that way. I get chatting to dude2 and he turns out to be a very decent bloke - I get his card as I think there's some work I can throw his way.

The show ends and I run into the girls again - they're getting the bus home the same way as me. I was toying with the idea of heading back to work to pick up some stuff first, but it's a good opportunity so I think fuck it - and we all get the bus together. I get some great cocky-funny stuff going on the bus (although it was hard to get a word in edgeways, those two could have talked for England).

HiredGun tells me she's free Sunday/Monday and I tell her I'll call her. Result.

(As an aside I go out later in that evening and number close twice more. Triple result ;)).


We've arranged to meet at a local bar, and I tell her that I'll call her when I leave work to let her know when to meet me. She's impatient though, and gets there early (before I've left work), so we compromise that I'll meet her there before I take my stuff back to mine. This again suits me fine - I get to show her my awesome new place and she'll therefore be far more comfortable with the idea of coming back to mine later.

I arrive at the bar. I walk in and see her - my head does a crazy movie-style crash zoom thing as I see this vision of absolute stunningness sitting across the bar. Out of her work-gear and into evening wear and she looks utterly hot. I buy a round and launch into being cocky-funny and avoid asking her the same old shitty pointless questions I used to ask girls. I instantly start kino-escalating and I'm soon getting IOI's from her. We finish our drinks and head back to mine.

At my place I give her the guided tour. She loves it (to be fair - it's an amazing house). I take her to my room briefly and then sort my crap out and we leave. As we walk down the road I put my arm around her. She puts hers around me. This is good kino escalation.

Onto the next bar and we go to this chic place with some pretty atmospheric lighting. This is where the first 'test' comes up. We walk in and choose a table and put our things down. I stop talking and wait for her to offer me a drink. She doesn't, but instead says "Let's go get a drink". We walk to the bar. Again, I wait. She waits. I wait. Then she comes out with:

"I'm going to have a gin and tonic, is that alright?"
"Sure, it's your round"
"Oh, I don't have any money on me"
"Well that's silly isn't it"
"Maybe they'll take card"

She asks the barman, and he says yes if it's over £10. Two drinks isn't quite that much.

"Alright", I tell her, "I'll get this one and you can get the next one once we've been to a cash point".

This is so critical a point in the interaction I'm going to go over it again. So many blokes (myself included, not so long ago), would have simply offered a drink rather can go through the awkward silence at the bar. The fact that she was not only prepared to accept this - but planned this to the point where she brought no cash with her - only serves to illustrate my point that girls can consistantly get blokes to pay for everything. It's therefore crucial to make this clear very early on. The message is: "We are equals. If I buy a drink - you buy the next one." Now the great thing about this is that girls know it's cheeky to get guys to pay for everything, so if you call them on it they can only ever back down - it's simply rude if they insist on paying for nothing. On top of that you've shown you're assertive and you've framed the rest of the evening/future dates in a way that won't piss off your bank manager.

After this though, for a reason I haven't yet worked out, she get's a bit offish. She starts talking about other blokes, and acting more interested in the menu than me. Another test? Yeah, quite likely perhaps - though maybe she was just pissed off that I'm not the kind of guy she can take for a ride. So, anyway, she's being offish. I tell her we're going outside for a cigarette. And then suddenly the moodiness vanishes and she's fine again. Odd. So there's something new - if you're on a date and she gets moody: bounce to a different venue.

I decide we're going to go and get a drink somewhere else (via a cashpoint, of course), and we end up doing a full circle of the high-street before ending up back at the first bar. By now I'm now holding her hand as if we've been going out for months. So we arrive back at the first place - it's noisy, but alright. She suggests we get a jug of cocktail, which she pays for. Ah. Good shit. So we banter away for another hour or so. We're getting a bit tipsy by now, and the conversation is just a mix of her madness and my witty banter, which I'll spare you from apart from where necessary. At some point she decides to put on some more lip gloss.

HiredGun: "Do you want some?"
Bandit: "Haha, you must be joking"
HiredGun: "Are you sure?"
Bandit: "The only way you'll get that shit on me is if you kiss me".

I go in for the kiss, but I get rejected. I can't work this out. Everything is going smoothly. I've kino escalated and she's comfortable with me touching her. She's laughing at my jokes. But there's resistance. Damn. I excuse myself and go to the loo. Time to regroup and work this shit out. I give myself a prep-talk and, despite feeling like a cock for doing it, I tell myself "It's on. She's into me and I'm going to kiss her".

I come back upstairs and check a text message. She comments on my phone. I have a flash of inspiration.

Bandit: "It's a camera too".
Her: "Oh cool"
Bandit: "Yeah, let me switch it on. Ok. Come here, let's see what we'd look like as a happy couple. Smile into the camera".
Bandit: "Good. Nice photo. Ok, now show me your angry scowling face".
Bandit: "Excellent. Alright, I wonder what we would look like if we kissed".

It worked so well it might as well have been a magic spell. It's devestatingly effective. I mean, I read about it before in The Game, and I thought it was cool - but could it actually work? Well, the answer is yes. She loved it. And my god was she into the kissing after that. From there it was a simple matter of keeping the energy high and the kissing good until we got chucked out at closing time.

We start walking. I don't tell her we're going back to mine (again, a mistake I would have made in the past). I simply start us walking on the road back to mine, and then tell her we're going to pick up some more booze and ciggies on the way. No resistance at all.

Back at mine we go straight up to my room. She wants to roll a joint. Sure, why not. Now, I do want to make one thing straight here. I don't do drugs. I used to smoke weed, a lot, and I've tried coke once. Now, I occasionally smoke a bit of pot if it happens to be there. Again, this is a point where the old me would have probably gone along with anything. The new me thought: hmm, ok, well, I quite like pot and it's been a while. Why not, it'll be fun. And now that it's my place I can smoke wherever I want. So she rolled one up. My brother came in and joined in the joint-smoking and we got her laughing at our banter.

A joint or two later, she starts trying to undress me so I kick my brother out. She's all over me and things start heating up. But then after about five minutes of escalating hotness she just stops and starts talking crap. Odd. Ok. Whatever. Start again. This carried on THE WHOLE FUCKING EVENING. It was absurd. Things would get hot and frisky, and then she'd hit the 'off' button. When she was on, she was definately on. She's the most aggressive girl I've ever met. She bit me. She scratched her nails down my chest and back (I look like I've been in a fight with a tiger as I write this), and even slapped me. Hard. Only once though, as after she did that I picked her up and threw her onto the bed, pinning her down beneath me.

Anyway, I digress. For whatever reason she kept interrupting 'the moment'. Did I make a mistake? Perhaps.... perhaps I should have given her the cold shoulder once she started wrecking 'the moment'. In future, I'll try it. Anyway, this carries on for what felt like hours. Eventually, I decide to take her panties off, whilst the heat is on and she tells me "You can't see down there until after my waxing appointment tomorrow".

Fuck it. I fall asleep. Or at least I try... Instead I'm frustrated as a bastard and I'm plagued with self doubt. What the fuck just happened... this isn't normal. And then an internal monologue where the deamons in my head fought out the detail of why I hadn't had sex: half blaming me and calling me all variety of names, half blaming her... a very small number of voices trying to soothe me, calm me down, and tell me that "it doesn't matter". Of course, it didn't matter. Nonetheless I can hear the birds starting to sing as I finally drift off to sleep.


Morning. I awake with a raging hard-on. My shit feels like it's going to explode. Despite the fact it's far to early to be considered civilised I wake her up and start trying to get things on. She's into it - but not as much as I'd like. But then she goes down on me, which was simply awesome. You know that theory that girls with tongue studs give better head? The theory is good.

Later on in the day she texts me "I know this sounds a bit clingy, but what are you up to this evening?"

Now I know it's on. It was awesome. She comes round with a dvd, some wine and some weed (see how my framing us as equals yesterday meant she had no problem bringing round some wine today instead of insisting I provide it).

A bit of smoke, mind-blowingly-awesome sex, more smoke, giggling fit for about half an hour, a good film, and I fell asleep curled up with the hottest women I've ever had. Once again I had some LMR, but this time I defused it nicely. As I went in to take off her panties:

"All you want to do is take my panties off an fuck me, don't you" (said in an accusatory way, in the kind of 'all you want me for is sex' type way).
"Yes. I am going to take your panties off, and then I am going to fuck you".

And it was epic. Best sex I've ever had.


Tuesday, 5 February 2008

No more internet

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Monday, 28 January 2008

Rushed for time, but not complaining

I'll keep this brief, as I'm rushed for time.

Friday with LawGirl went OK. We ended up spending three hours together, which is a good sign. She said she wanted to do it again, which is a good sign. We didn't kiss, which is a bad sign. She had massive fucking barriers up, which is a bad sign. I text her once since and she hasn't replied (despite my telling her she was on probation for her bad behaviour in ignoring me for the last month) - this is the ultimate bad sign.

Anyway. Perhaps it was because once she started saying she had to go I arranged to go and see PsychoGirl, and she guessed I was off to see another woman. And see PsychoGirl I did. I got very drunk with her, and we had some great sex Friday evening and again Saturday morning. Saturday, got home, showered and shaved and then saw GermanGirl until Sunday lunch time.

And now I'm in the shit. On top of a busy week of working I'm moving on Thursday, and I've not packed. I have a meeting with a client at lunch time about a website, and I'm not ready. I have to complete my Tax Return, sell my car and get to the gym three times this week.

These women took up all my time this weekend. But. Like I said. I'm not complaining. I only wish I had more time to do everything else...

There's a very awesome dude called Steve Pavlina (, who argues that having a job is one of the riskiest things people do. Your salary is tied up to your boss and your company. Real wealth, sustainable wealth, can be more safely earned by creating multiple streams of income. This also means you can dictate your own hours etc.

So it's got me plotting and planning. Trouble is it would take too long to explain right now and I have to rush.


Friday, 25 January 2008

Return of LawGirl

So here I am, working away (yeah - right, on a Friday with a raging hangover from last night). Out of the blue, LawGirl texts me "What are you doing later?". "Not sure yet, stranger :P", I reply. "Drink at 6pm?"

So now it's on with LawGirl... Seeing as she'd been ignoring my e-mails and texts since the end of December, I had written her off completely. Now she wants to meet up and go for a drink. I reckon she's probably bored and just wants to use me - which is fine by me ;) I have a knack of livening up the world's of bored blonde creatures.

Now, it will make fitting in GermanGirl and PsychoGirl a little harder - but I'm sure I'll find time for them at some point this weekend.

Roll on girl 3?


Monday, 21 January 2008

Seeing Double

I won't dance around it, I'll just get straight to the point. I just fucked GermanGirl.

That means I've fucked two girls in a day. Previously I'd never have thought that possible. I mean there was a time not long ago that I was gagging just for any amount of sex - I certainly didn't expect to have sex three times within the space of 24 hours with two women. It's awesome. And better still, I feel absolutely great about it. The sex I just had with GermanGirl was awesome, mind blowing sex. I felt absolutely no guilt whatsoever (which I know I would have done in the past).

Life is great.

Though on the way back from walking her home I thought I was about to get mugged. From a distance I saw some punk cycling up and down the road on a bicycle. As I turn off the main road I see another punk loitering, drinking something from a can. I walk past him. Almost instantly I hear BicyclePunk turn into the road and he and OnFootPunk both start walking after me. I can hear them muttering, and then they starting ranting about money and saying "fuck this", and "fuck that". I can hear them getting closer and closer.

Bandit: Hmm, do I run? Well if I run there's a good chance I'll outrun OnFootPunk, as I'm confident that I'm a good sprinter. But no, BicyclePunk could catch up with me without any trouble. Ok. Just keep walking. Keep Alpha stance. Don't look behind. Keep walking, but walk a little quicker.

Bandit: Fuck. They are getting closer. Not far to go and I reach a bus station. It's empty at this time of night, but I can take a left turn towards civilisation and well lit roads. Damn it's late. There's no one here. But it's a nice neighborhood. Yeah, well that's why they're here dammit. There was a mugging recently, remember. Shit.

I get to the left hand turn.

And break into a run.

Because hey, as lucky as I've been today, why risk it?


Sunday, 20 January 2008

Field Report - PsychoGirl

I'm writing this after about an hour's sleep. I'm drunk - in fact I don't think I've actually stopped drinking in the last 18 hours. But those 18 hours have been awesome. This is the story...

Last night I get invited to go out with my mate Gold and his girlfriend, we'll call her ClumsyChick. I turn up at ClumsyChick's place around 8 o'clock for some takeaway Chinese food and what do I see as I walk into the living room... HB 8.5, blonde, 5'10. She will be called PhyschoGirl, for reasons that'll become apparent later on in the evening.

PsychoGirl has a dilema.

PsychoGirl: I'm supposed to be going on a date in 10 minutes, but I don't want to go. I said yes to it last night when I was drunk... but I'm worried that he's really short.
EveryoneElse: Eh?
PsychoGirl: Well, I think he might be short - I don't know. But anyway, I need an excuse not to go out.
Bandit: Easy. Tell him the truth - that you don't want to see him, or whatever excuse you give him will simply mean he'll keep chasing you tomorrow, and the next day and the next day.
PsychoGirl: No, I can't tell him that. It's too harsh.
(some suggestions of excuses)
Bandit: Hah, tell him you've just found out you're pregnant.

Now, I said this as a joke, in order to get a laugh - which it did. But then she suddenly thinks it's a great idea and texts that to him. He obviously sees straight through her crap and tells her he's angry that he's being blown out after driving for an hour to see her. She starts feeling guilty.

Now, this dude, whoever the fuck he is deserves an apology from me. By this point I've decided that PsychoGirl is my primary target for the evening, and so I proceed to completely demolish this guy. It works, brilliantly. I completely AMOG'd him. It was awesome.

She starts giving me IOI's, and then a couple of shit tests which I fly through without problem. I throw out some hoops and she jumps through. As we leave the flat I tell Gold, "It's on".

We go into Central, and hit a shitty joint before going into Soho. Soho I know well enough, and having had a damn good previous night out starting at Bar Soho (see Solo Night Out #2) I decide we're going there. We go in, and after getting some drinks Gold and I start opening sets. I'm shocked how awesome it is having a good wingman - Gold was superb. I'll skim over the next few hours, but here's a few highlights, before I get back to the main story:

Indian Girl Set

(open, banter, things are going well - I'm hitting on IndianHottieGirl and Gold is holding off cockblocking PudgyGirl for me).
Pudgy: So what do you guys do for a living?
Gold: We run a modelling agency.
Pudgy (walks up to me with shock on her face): Oh my god, you're that Calvin Klein model.
Bandit: Ah, well erm, yeah. But keep it quiet yeah - I get this a lot and we're just out with some friends and trying to have a chilled evening.
Pudgy: Oh my god it is you.
Bandit: Yeah. Well look, me and Gold are going to grab a drink, but we'll come back and chat you to girls later on. Just keep things chilled yeah, cos I hate the attention when I'm not working.

We walk off to the bar, giggling like school girls. Me, mistaken for a model? Awesome. Rediculous, but awesome (I'm seriously quite average looking - but it's awesome what the right combination of Peacocking and being Alpha can achieve).

Drunk Girl

I was chatting with PsychoGirl and I see a blonde standing against a wall giving eyeing me up. Hmm, the idea of a jealousy plotline springs to me. I glance back at the blonde. She smiles at me. Ok - 3 second rule. I tell PyschoGirl I'll be right back. I approach, heart beating like a crack addict waking up and realising he's in rehab. I fumble through an opening, and then realise she is completely and utterly drunk. I spend five minutes with her, get some moderate kino going, thentell her she's too drunk and walk off. My gambit worked - I get back and PsychoGirl is all over me.

Later on - being the cocky idiot I am - I go back to DrunkGirl. I approach her and stroke her all the way up her spine. She spills her drink all over herself. Smooth.

Bandit: Hey
DrunkGirl: Hey
Bandit: Look. Give me your number and when you're less drunk we'll get together and go out for a drink. Or maybe a coffee, seeing as you're a raging alcoholic.
DrunkGirl: I can't. My boyfriend is standing next to us.
Bandit: Ah, fuck him. (I start telling her the story about the two people who meet in the street, and the instantly fall for each other, but decide they'll leave it to fate and that if it's meant to be they'll meet again at random, when suddenly)
DrunkGirl'sBoyFriend: WHAT THE FUCK?!

I look up, and this big motherfucker is towering down over us, clearly pissed off that I've got my arm around his bird. Ah well. I tell him fair enough, and walk away. Poor DrunkGirl gets shouted at for a while.


This is a pretty minor one, but I number closed HB9 in a set of Danish girls in under two minutes. Today I text her, and she text back. Again Gold went down the "we own a modelling agency" route - they loved it. Anyway, I've tried the "Maybe we should go for a drink" line, so let's see what happens. (edit - in the time it's taken to write this she's texted back and apparently she can't because she's "seeing someone". I'll have to put an end to that. To be concluded...).

Back to the story. At about 1am, Gold and ClumsyChick head on back home, leaving me with PsychoGirl. I instantly start escalating and I know it's on. We stay until closing time, during which time I ran an awesome "We're getting married" role play thing - including me shouting to everyone to be quiet and then proposing to her in front of the entire club. She loved it. Too much. The Psycho part of PsychoGirl's name starts to emerge as she then becomes hooked on this theme and starts outlining every single detail of our wedding. For hours. I play along, because hey, why not. I bounce us to another club, and then on home back to hers.

I had the most dominant frame I've ever had. PsychoGirl is an only child and tells me she always gets her own way. Not with me she doesn't. I pass shit test after shit test and refuse every single hoop she throws at me. She jumps into a ton of mine. I keep my awesome strong frame. At points she get's shitty, and I walk away - she follows. This stuff is so counter-intuitive for me at times, but I stuck with it and it worked wonders. The old AFC me could never have done this.

Anyway, we're waiting for the bus and not one but two people try and AMOG me. I destroy them. I show them a side of myself that makes them redefine their understanding of the concept Alpha Male. It was awesome. PsychoGirl loves it. On the bus I carry on. PsychoGirl brings up our wedding again and I start getting the entire bus to contribute ideas (and it's a bendy bus, fucking huge and packed). When we got off I told everyone to wish us a happy wedding and took a bow. People clap and cheer. I've never seen anything like this in London.

We start walking home and I get my final shit test. This one almost beats me, and earns PsychoGirl her name good and proper. If you've read this far then this is the highlight, as it's fucked up beyond anything I've experienced before. Ever.

PsychoGirl: Hey, did I tell you my funny story about my ex's penis.
Bandit: What the fuck?
PsychoGirl: Yeah, well I have this weird thing with my jaw, where when someone touches the wrong part of it my jaw clamps down. Well, with my ex, I was giving him a blow job and he touched that part and I just clamped down. Hard. (she makes a clamping motion with her jaw). There was blood everywhere. He had to have 8 stitches. It was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing. I mean I know it wasn't funny, but it was so funny.
Bandit: ...

I'll tell you what - it was hard fucking work getting it up with that story in the back of my mind. Fortunately I have a thing for psychotic girls - so I was able to see past it. We fucked till dawn. I fell asleep for about an hour, then she woke me up for more.

Nothing short of awesome.

However - she is a psycho. I think my best bet is to cut and run. Sure I'll call her, and sure she's gorgeous - but the thought of eight teeth shaped stitches in my cock means that now the moment is over I am never going back there again.

On a final note, I am now legally engaged to her. Thank fuck we weren't in Vegas.

Wednesday, 16 January 2008


I really ought to cut my finger nails. People keep stealing my nail clippers though, it's becoming intolerable. I didn't realise how annoying fingernails were, you see, as I used to bite mine constantly. In the last two months I've stopped completely. Scratch another bad habit. These little things women notice - and it's surprising how many compliments I've had on my nails since I've stopped.

Although without the proper grooming tools it's a fucking nuisance.

I'm writing crap. Time for bed.


Tuesday, 15 January 2008


My mother always used to tell me, "Pride comes before a fall". Looking back at my last post I sounded like a smug bastard, claiming that I was going to have sex that night and that it was all to easy, or whatever garbage I wrote. Did I have sex. No. As with every time in my life when I act all mighty and arrogant, fate dealt me a hand. A back hand. Right across the jaw.

Ah, OK, that's too extreme as well. GermanGirl didn't come round Friday night. She went out clubbing instead. So the following evening she came back. We watched Kill Bill part 1. We fucked. We watched Kill Bill part 2. We fucked. If she's trying to make me fall for her then she's doing a damn good job - two Quentin Tarantino movies interlaced with sex... and damn good sex at that.

She stays over and the next morning we fuck again before I send her on her way. She's off to meet her sister. This evening I finished reading the second half of The Rules of The Game, and cringed at the sister story - so very tempted to follow down that dark road myself. The terrible truth is that the only thing preventing this is my morals - and if I ended up alone with the sister for more than about 10 seconds my morals would melt in a germanic heat of passion and lust.

Anyway. Back to my pride. I need to stop being proud. Whilst I am very happy with my life and glad I've discovered some hidden powers I never thought I could tap into so easily, yet, I am a long way away from being anything resembling a master, hero or PUA. I must continue my training. And I must not start sounding like an arrogant prick.

Not that I really need to worry about this. As I said before, Karma has a way of dealing with pricks. I see this all the time - people constantly being brought back down to earth when they start thinking their shit smells sweeter than most. I tried sarging a woman on a train station platform Saturday, whilst I was on the way to meet GermanGirl. It bombed:

B: "Is your text message sound the theme from Blockbuster?"
HB: "No, it's Catchphrase"
B: "Well it's really loud, I can hear it over my music"
HB: "Oh. Sorry".
B:" Erm... I like the way you've matched your shoes with your bag - it suits you"
HB: "Erm.... thanks"

She gives me a look as if she's just seen me pick up a wriggling worm from the station platform and start stroking it.

I pause... words fail me. Completely. I fall out of the present and my mind starts laughing at me "Bandit, did you seriously just switch from teasing her about her phone being too loud to complimenting her clothes.... in SUCH an AFC manner?"... I turn away. I put my iPod earphones back in. The train arrives. I get onboard, and sit far away from the HB.

There's so much more I need to learn...
