Monday, 17 December 2007

GermanGirl's Sister

How badly would I burn in hell if I fucked GermanGirl's sister?

There isn't much in it, but GermanGirlsSister is a pure 9, whereas GermanGirl is an 8.5. I know I shouldn't even be entertaining such thoughts, let alone be considering them enough to actually write this out. However... GGSister gave me some pretty clear IOI's last night.

Let's review:

1. GermanGirl goes to the bathroom. GGSister starts staring at me. We stare at each other, eyeing each other out, wordlessly. After 30 seconds I break eye contact and turn away as if I'm not interested, before going back into mindless conversation (perhaps I should have been smoother, but I was not expecting that).

2. GermanGirl told me her and her sister agreed I was 30, because I was far more confident that GGSister's AMOG boyfriend, who is 25. (Ok, this may be a little thin).

3. GGSister asks as we leave if we are going back to mine to have more sex. I turned to GermanGirl "You told her about us having sex?" I ask in mock disbelief. "I tell my sister everything", she replies. "Yes", says GGSister, "When you fuck my sister it's as if you have fucked me". "Woah", I reply in mock shock, "Are you telling me I've fucked two sisters in one day"? "You would know if you had fucked me", replied GGSister, quietly, so her sister couldn't hear.

But would I burn in hell? If my brother fucked a girl I was into, I would beat his arse and I know it would damage things between us. I don't really want to become a wrecking ball and lay waste to this family. But then again... she is very very hot...

As Stendhal said, if there is a woman you are interested in, pay attention to her sister.

Oh dear. This is going to be fun.


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