Sunday, 30 December 2007

Paying for things

Just now, I was asked the following by private message on The Attraction Forums. It was a good question.

During a D2 beyond who pays guy, girl, dutch?
If the girl asks me to pay for her like for example meal, coffee, then?
And at what given time do YOU pay for her?

It's a tough one, and I've not been doing this for long enough to really have any solid rules I can recommend.

My old AFC self would always pay for the first meal and buy the first drink. Now, well for a start I haven't yet taken a girl out for a meal as a D2. I favour going for drinks, or better still, coffee during the day works well. Why? Well it's far easier for a girl to accept an invitation to go for a coffee for half an hour than to commit to sitting down for a meal with a guy she doesn't know for two hours. This fits in well with what your girl told you.

Now? Well, I don't buy girls drinks when sarging, unless I've brought them into my group and it's my turn to buy a round. If it's me plus two girls, I'll sometimes tell them that I'll get this round if they get the next one (normally preceded with a "normally I wouldn't do this but,").

On a D2 I will generally get the first drinks and then play it by ear. Most girls will reciprocate, and if they don't and I get thirsty whilst they're nursing a drink I tell them I'm going to get another buy and ask if they'd like another. Normally they'll say no.

If the girl's a student, poor, has just had her cards stolen (that actually genuinely happened once), then I'll happily pay for drinks. I generally don't worry about it too much.

Where I have a big objection though is guys paying for things to bail a girl out. There is no quicker way to get LBJF'd than to have a guy try to seduce a girl by paying for something she needs when she can't afford it. Recently a friend brought a girl he was trying to seduce some groceries as she had no money. I told him not to. He didn't listen. Has he so much as kissed her? I think you can guess the answer.

Girls can look after themselves, and in fact I believe the girls I know have a better handle of their finances than the guys I know. Also, they will almost never let themselves into a situation where they can't afford to eat, or get themselves home etc...

So there we are:

Drinks/meals - not sure but I think it's good to be open to the situation and not let the rules prevent you from making sure the situation runs smoothly. At the same time never make the mistake of buying a girl a drink before she's come on the D2, unless she has A) bought you one or B) has promised to buy the next in exchange.

Everything else - NEVER buy a girl who isn't your actual girlfriend anything that is at all practical/helpful/thoughtful/trying to be kind. No good can come from it and you'll be LJBF'd quicker than anything.

I mean I have a friend who bought a girl he wants to seduce a bloody $120 mp3 player for christmas... I'm currently fucking this GermanGirl and have I gotten her anything? Not a chance.


La Belle France

I'm now on holiday in France. Have been without internet access for a week, and it's been bliss. No e-mails. No bollocksing crap.

Today I took out FrenchChick for a drink. She's a friend of Ex-LTR, and she was more than happy to go out for a drink with me. We used to have amazing chemistry and flirted outrageously. Back then though it was pretty clear nothing would happen. EX-LTR was living with FrenchChick, and neither of us were willing to take a risk and take things any further.

Now, I haven't seen this girl for over a year, but she agrees to meet me pretty willingly. She's still gorgeous. A pure 9. 5"2, with blonde streaks in her brown hair. Petite and with a perfect figure. I can sense some chemistry is still there, and I kino escalate a bit. I can tell she's hesitant though, and as the conversation progressed she told me that she'd recently started going out with this guy who she'd fallen in love with... bla bla bla. Unfortunately she was convincing enough for it to have been true.

So I turned it down a gear. I'm not in the business of making people unhappy. I want her, but not if it's going to make her life hell (she's about to go away with this guy for a month). So instead I stepped back. I broke up the first location, bounced us to a couple of shops, and then took her back to her car. In all I spent a couple of hours with her. She asked me to call her next time I'm in France.

Next time, provided she's single, or has falled out of lust/love with whatever bastard she's with, I will make my move. I am a patient man. I will wait. A long time, as I won't be back for six months. But I will wait. And I will get what's coming to me.

Now onto the next. FrenchChick2 (i need more inventive names), is a friend of my sister. I've been asked to drive her to a party on Monday, in a town I happen to be going to. Hour's drive. Gorgeous girl. Let's see what happens...

LawGirl and I are still e-mailing. It's good, I'm escalating things bit by bit with every e-mail. Again, patience will pay off (I hope), and when it does it will be awesome.


Tuesday, 18 December 2007

11th Critical Moment

I've been reading a lot of David DeAngelo material recently. I think it's really excellent and has good macro ideas and good theory on inner game. I'm really getting along well with it and I know it has seriously impacted on my ability.

In one of his eBooks, DD talks about 10 critical moments. They are very good, and I know that following them in this order worked wonders for me recently. I could litterally see myself going through a mental checklist as I crossed them off with GermanGirl.

1. Approach (Walking over and saying hello)
2. Digits (Getting a phone number, email address, etc.)
3. Date request (This can actually be done when you first meet)
4. Date (The actual time with her)
5. Hold hands (The first sustained physical contact)
6. Kiss (The first 'intimate' contact)
7. Alone in private (Trust)
8. Make out (Sexually aroused)
9. Clothes off (Very sexually aroused)
10. Sex (Very very very sexually aroused!)

A very very good formula. It all there, self explanitory and makes very good sense. But I believe for the PUA there is an 11th step missing.

11. Defining the relationship (Getting her to continue having sex with you, whilst accepting that you are non-exclusive).

This step is possibly the scariest one - as unlike the others it's not a natural or necessary step. And it's filled with risk. Nonetheless I feel it's a risk that needs to be taken for the PUA.

Monday, 17 December 2007

GermanGirl's Sister

How badly would I burn in hell if I fucked GermanGirl's sister?

There isn't much in it, but GermanGirlsSister is a pure 9, whereas GermanGirl is an 8.5. I know I shouldn't even be entertaining such thoughts, let alone be considering them enough to actually write this out. However... GGSister gave me some pretty clear IOI's last night.

Let's review:

1. GermanGirl goes to the bathroom. GGSister starts staring at me. We stare at each other, eyeing each other out, wordlessly. After 30 seconds I break eye contact and turn away as if I'm not interested, before going back into mindless conversation (perhaps I should have been smoother, but I was not expecting that).

2. GermanGirl told me her and her sister agreed I was 30, because I was far more confident that GGSister's AMOG boyfriend, who is 25. (Ok, this may be a little thin).

3. GGSister asks as we leave if we are going back to mine to have more sex. I turned to GermanGirl "You told her about us having sex?" I ask in mock disbelief. "I tell my sister everything", she replies. "Yes", says GGSister, "When you fuck my sister it's as if you have fucked me". "Woah", I reply in mock shock, "Are you telling me I've fucked two sisters in one day"? "You would know if you had fucked me", replied GGSister, quietly, so her sister couldn't hear.

But would I burn in hell? If my brother fucked a girl I was into, I would beat his arse and I know it would damage things between us. I don't really want to become a wrecking ball and lay waste to this family. But then again... she is very very hot...

As Stendhal said, if there is a woman you are interested in, pay attention to her sister.

Oh dear. This is going to be fun.


Long weekend

So GermanGirl invites me out for a drink last night. Initially I'm reluctant - having settled down to spend the evening watching series 5 of 24. On a more serious note though I also don't want to lead her on and think that I'm interesting in anything resembling a relationship - I want to keep things cool.

However, then a thought strikes. She's spent the day having sex with me, perhaps she needs reassurance that I'm not just about sex. Whilst sex is awesome, I'm not just about sex and genuinely enjoy the company of gorgeous women. Whilst I want a harem of sorts, I wouldn't want my life to become purely sex sex sex and not be able to go and watch a movie with a girl or go out for a decent meal and good conversation.

Also, in my experience when a woman is insecure about whether a man wants her for sex only she will shit-test the man by spending time with him and witholding sex. As we had arranged to see each other on Tuesday I decided that seeing her now, would make her more likely to fuck me later.

We met up. Had some drinks. I entertained her and her sister for a while. We went back to mine and had sex again. The beauty of it was that it was completely natural, and I made zero effort to entice her back. It just 'happened', or so I hope she beleives.

Oh, and she bought me gloves. Odd. Yet very cute and thoughtful, as we'd spent saturday joking about how cold our hands were as we'd both lost our gloves.

I'm now knackered after walking her home at 1:30am. Am drinking coffee by the gallon.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Running the game to conclusion - GermanGirl Field Report

At the risk of sounding repetitive, I'm going to repeat the GermanGirl story as a single field report.

Thursday night - I go out to meet friends, straight from work having made no effort. My hair isn't done. I feel ill as I have a chest infection. I feel pretty damn awful. My friends are running late, and as I go to order myself a beer I see two hot girls sitting a large table. I smile at them, they smile back. I get my beer, walk away and debate approaching them. I get huge approach anxiety. After five minutes I conquer my fear and approach them "Hi, do you mind if I sit here whilst I wait for my friends to arrive? (FTC)". Before they have a chance to answer I sit, pull out a newspaper and turn my back to them. They start talking and I interrupt them (as they are speaking foreign), "So where are you two from?", "Germany", "You're sister's right?", "Yeah, how could you tell?", "It's obvious". I move in and sit closer to them. Two hours of witty banter later I get the bus home in the same direction and #close HB8.5 who we'll call GermanGirl.

I arrange the D2 with GermanGirl. I decide we are going for coffee on my lunch break on Wednesday. We meet up. It went ok. I didn't kino escalate though and left cursing myself. But not before I arranged D3 for Saturday doing my Christmas shopping.

Saturday. Thankfully I am now recovered from my chest infection. When we meet I immediately take her hand as we walk to the tube. She seemed a little hesitant, but eventually became very comfortable with it. It was scary. But not as scary as then kissing her in Notting Hill Gate tube station whilst we were waiting for her sister. She told me she thought "English people don't do this kind of thing in public". I told her that I'm just bad, and go back to kissing her. Her sister +AMOG bf turn up. AMOG is being rude and ignoring me, so I out-AMOG him by ignoring his rudeness and carrying on being cocky/funny with the girls. AMOG leaves after about five minutes and the rest of us go for Coffee. GermanGirl and I then leave to go home (she has work at 7). Then came the scariest bridge - much scarier than kissing her or holding her hand - I asked her back to mine for a drink before work. She agreed, although I could sense some hesitance. Once back I got her into my room very quickly (as my housemates were in the lounge), got her on the bed. We made out. I got her naked. I went down on her. Then I told her we were going too fast and that she should go to work. She said no. I insisted. I told her to get dressed and drove her to home. She then spent the evening texting me, practically begging to come around tomorrow.

Tomorrow is now today. She came round for breakfast. The rest of my post is X rated - but suffice to say we had sex from about 10:30 this morning until 2:00 when she had to go and meet her sister. She wanted to go a little earlier than that, but I went caveman and she was very willing to stay long enough to be quite late. To the point where when her phone rang she grabbed it, turned it off and threw it across the room.

The funniest thing though was after the second fuck she's lying there in my arms and asks me "How old are you?", "Old enough to know not to answer that question", I replied jokingly, "How old do you think I am?". "30". I laughed and told her my age. "Why did you think that?" I asked, "Well you were so confident in the bar when i met you - my sister and I agreed you had to at around 30, even though you look younger than that".

What I've learnt

I'm not sure where to begin. I've learnt so much from this that it's untrue. First and most importantly, I've learnt that the MM and DD's cocky-funny are hugely powerful. I've learnt that my old limited beliefs were shit - and I have no replaced them with much better empowering beliefs. I've learnt that my approach anxiety doesn't get any less, I am simply able to deal with it better. Finally I've learnt the power of having a strong frame and brining women into my reality. "You're in my reality now".

My first Solo Sarge was exactly 35 days ago. Since then I have gone from AFC to having had sex this morning with GermanGirl three times. And you know what the best thing is? I don't feel like I've arrived - I feel like I've only just really started.


Saturday, 15 December 2007

D3 with GermanGirl

When I startd out reading 'game' material I beleived it would work. But this belief was based on hope and hope alone. Hope can be a very powerful thing, when it drives us to excel and try our best. Tonight I transformed my hope into experience, and by that simple word alone it is now part of my reality.

Welcome to my reality.

Tonight was the third date with GermanGirl. We met up in central london, and I immediately decided to kino-esclate and took her hand straight away as I lead her to the tube. Initially I could tell she was surprised, but she didn't pull back and very quickly grew comfortable with it. We went shopping for a while. I made her laugh. A lot. The conversation was O.K - but there is a language barrier.

After a few hours we ended up waiting to meet with her sister. I kissed her. She kissed back. Good.

Once we ditched the sister we got the bus home. Just before we got to mine she asked in a sad voice "are you getting off at the next stop?". I told her I was, but that she should come in for a drink and I would then drive her home. She agreed.

I got her home. I took her to my room. I got her naked. I kissed her all over. I went down on her.

Then. Instead of rushing into things I told her we should stop. She had to go to work, so I told her we shouldn't rush into things and she should get back to work. I told her to get dressed. I took her home.

Hours later.

Well. Seems like that worked a treat - instead of any LMR or guilt I now have a girl who is coming around tomorrow morning at 10am to fuck my brains out. Patience is golden.


Wednesday, 12 December 2007

D2 with GermanGirl

This time the D2 went well. Really well. I think last time I deluded myself into thinking it went well, and looking back the signs weren't there.

This time I believe I did everything right. I kept it short. I ended the date. I set a time-bridge for next Saturday, we're going Christmas shopping together. I DHV'd by speaking French to a friend on the phone when she arrived to meet me - and it was real, a mate rang me.

What did I not do? I didn't kino. And I didn't go for the kiss, when I could have (I just didn't feel right kissing her, knowing I'm on antibiotics for this chest infection). So I did the European kiss on each cheek thing. Lame? Perhaps. But ethically the correct thing to do. I'm just amazed I stopped coughing long enough to have a conversation with her.

By Saturday I should be a lot better. We're meeting at a station and then going into town. I may take her to Clapham and show her the outside of the new house I'm moving into (which I signed on today!)... or perhaps Portabello market, which would be seriously cool. I am half tempted to show up in my sports car - but the risk is that I look like I'm trying too hard. I need to sell the damn thing - I almost never use it. Ah. After Christmas.

Credit card limit has been increased by a grand. Banks are so sneaky doing that just before Christmas, though until I've got the money off my flat mates for rent it's a god-send as otherwise I'm going to be in a financial squeeze.

LawGirl and I continue to e-mail each other. She has agreed to a D2 after Christmas. And I have a sexy Swiss girl moving into my house. Fun fun fun.

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Tanning, Law & Sleep

I have nothing of any particular import to write, but feel like writing anyway.

LawGirl has returned from America and replied to my "you're bad for ignoring me" text message. Not sure how to escalate this. I think I need to phone her up and run some seriously good phone game on her. Quickly turn it sexual and then drop in a comment about how a man reaches his sexual peak in his early twenties - in woman it's 30 (which, cunningly is her age). And then tell her she needs a virile young man like me.

BeachGirl. I've decided to drop her. She makes no effort to get in touch with me, unlike the rest. Plus, despite being a clear HB8 when I met her - in the three months since she's either been eating enough for seven or I had some serious beer goggles on. Judging by her facebook photos she's no more than a HB6.

GermanGirl. We've been texting back and forth over the weekend. We have our D2 on Wednesday lunch time for coffee. Exciting stuff!

I had my first session in a tanning salon yesterday. It was very, very weird yet very, very cool. I'll go once a week and in a month or so I should have the beginnings of a light tan. I also went flat hunting - I'm moving to Clapham. Where I live now is dead - although GermanGirl lives within walking distance, which is epic.

Over the Christmas holidays I'm going to be in France, and I plan on getting in contact with a HB9 friend of an ex's. I'm going to try and speed seduce her and get an SNL. Worth it as she is utterly stunning - though there could be repercussions as my ex is still in my extended social circle and if she finds out she may go into hunter-killer mode and seek to destroy me. Trouble is that just adds to the thrill of the chase.

Finally, sleep. I don't get enough sleep. It's midnight now and I'm getting up in 7 hours. I think I will try and get 8 hours sleep every night this week. That will be my plan. Why? First - I'm 22 and I still get acne. I use products, but ultimately my skin is not great (not terrible, but not great). With more sleep I hope my skin will be better. Second - I will happily trade the extra hour a day if I find my quality of time improves for the remaining 16 hours. My energy levels are generally high - but I constantly seek to improve them. Vitamin C does that. My god it's shocking. I had 3g yesterday and couldn't sleep until 4am - but then again that is 5,000% of your RDA.


Field Report - GermanGirl

Instead of finishing my post from earlier, I'm just going to restart and post the entire thing here.


I'm out, Thursday night and meeting friends at a local pub. I arrive there early and the place is swarming with women. I'm ill, have made zero effort to make myself look presentable, and cannot stop coughing. As I do a lap of the venue looking for my friends on arrival I see a two set of HB9's. They look at me as I walk past. I smile at them. They smile back.


I grab myself a beer and wait. I toy with the idea of approaching the two set and then get huge approach anxiety. After a good couple of minutes I finally think - fuck it. I pick up a newspaper and walk towards them.

Bandit: Do you mind if I sit here whilst I wait for my friends?
Girls: Sure.
Bandit: Cool. They'll be here in a couple of minutes.

I open my newspaper as if I'm about to ignore them and start reading.

Bandit: So where are you both from?
Girls: Germany.
Bandit: You're sisters right?

And I was in. They smiled and said yes and I just went into extreme cocky-funny mode. The great thing about DD's cocky-funny, is that it's just an exaggerated version of my normal cheeky-teasing self. Plus I'm much better at improvised situational comedy than I am with canned material (which I honestly suck at).

After a while my friends arrive. The perfect wingmen - they kept to themselves. Interjected and DHV'd me from time to time - perfect. The only thing they didn't do was isolate the obstacle - but there was no need. After 2hrs of my witty banter we all got on the same bus home (although, like an idiot I waited for five minutes at the wrong bus stop). By the time we left I was a bit drunk though - my friends kept buying me pints and I kept buying my friends pints in return.. But, I kept it together well enough to # close and have since arranged a Wednesday lunch time D2.

I know I said I wouldn't drink when out - but like any rule the importance is knowing when to break it. I started out on 2 beers, and it was only natural to drink beers with my friends - i mean it's what we do. I just happened to have two girls there with us.

I also bought the obstacle a drink. Ha, very AFC?

What have I learnt?
  • It's possible to succeed without making any effort on your physical appearance. At all.
  • It's possible to succeed when ill - which I had thought would have been the ultimate DLV.
  • I don't need to use canned routines and opening lines.
  • The natural approach seemed to work well for me.
  • David DeAngelo's stuff is awesome. I'm reading more of it.
  • The most important thing is having the correct frame.

What do I need to improve on/learn better?
  • 3 second rule, goddamn it.
  • Kino escalation - there was none of it. I also held off because I'm ill. Hmm, or am I just kidding myself?
  • This time I need to do better on my D2. I'm looking forward to it, there's a natural TC - it's on my lunch break.
So there we go. Random luck gets a new girl into play: GermanGirl - and she lives within walking distance :D

Friday, 7 December 2007

Danger of the Community

I just read this article, and it's damned good.

There is a danger in openly following every bit of advice you read as being the 'true' or 'only' correct way. Organised religion shows this much. I do however disagree that The Community is a bad thing. Like any religion though, it has the potential to cause more harm than good if followed in a cult-like idolising way. My hope is that I'll be able to take the bits that are relevant to me, and discard the rest.

After all, what was that great quote?

My Karma ran over your Dogma


p.s. So much for going back to sleep... today is going to be both long and painful.

Solo Sarge #3

I will keep this simple, and post a better field report later today. Right now it's 6.30 am and I'm awake, but happy as a bastard (though I will try and get some more sleep later).

Last night I went to my local to meet up with friends after football. I wasn't playing, due to my illness, but as I've fel good enough to go back to work I decided I felt good enough to go out drinking.

I arrive in the pub at 10:05pm, and it's full of girls - this is odd. There are normally very nice girls in my local, but never this amount- there are litterally dozens. I start wandering the bar, looking for my friends. As I'm walking I see a two set of HB9's and smile at them as I walk past, they smile back. I notice that my friends aren't yet here, and so I grab a beer. I know I should approach the two set, but I get massive approach anxiety. I'm still ill, and coughing like a beast, I'm pale, under-dressed and have writing on my hand from work (a bad habit, which I had kicked, but lapsed back into today as I knew I wouldn't be sarging)!

It litterally takes me 5 minutes to work up the courage to approach. In the mean time I stand there, reading a paper and trying to look cool. I eventually decide I have nothing to lose, and walk over without feeling too nervous, walk over and ask to sit down next to them. I immediately twig that they are sisters...

.... arg the lack of sleep is fucking me up - i'm going back to bed. Will post the rest later. Illess, plus 5 pints of beer, plus 3hrs sleep is NOT a good mix. Feel great though :D

Wednesday, 5 December 2007


I think I have a problem with pride. Despite all this material I'm reading and all the knowledge I'm accumulating there is a voice at the back of my head telling me that I don't need this stuff. I think a part of me perceives myself as being able to go out and do all this stuff already, without needing to learn it. Really, honestly?

I had a bit of luck pulling a HB9 in a ONS once - but she was emotionally unstable and I think she wanted revenge on her open-relationship boyfriend. Other than that I've attracted a few girls, and ended up in 3 LTR's - the longest of which lasted 3 years. I've had sex hundreds of times - good sex at that. One of my LTR's swore I gave her 23 orgasms in an evening (people may read this and laugh, but hey, she said it). I've had sex in awesome places - in castles, country estates, by a log fire in a french cottage, in a forest, on a Florida beach, twice, in an auction hall....

But I think I am seriously just massively proud of myself and unable to get past this on some level. This leads me to not treating material seriously, or not making a real effort to push myself forwards. I need to demolish my pride. A wise man once said, "It is only when we accept that we know nothing, that we really start to learn anything".

I want to accept I know nothing.

Otherwise - still sick as a dog. Slept 14 hours today. I have a doctors appointment first thing tomorrow, which is a good move I reckon - I have now been ill for a week. I'm really pissed off - tomorrow will likely be my first day off work ill since 2004. And then it was only because I caught something in the jungles of Colombia.
