Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Bad Phone Game

I take no joy in writing this post, and therefore I'll try and keep it as brief as possible. I am however resolute in my intention to write it. If I only write about my fleeting successes and times when things work I achieve far less than if I accept, then analyse and learn from my failures.

"A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions--as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all."
- Nietzsche

My phone game sucks. I get nervous phoning women, far more so than when I talk to them face to face. When I see a woman in front of me I can be confident with my body language, and feed of theirs. On the phone I have only my voice and my ability to confidently talk to at women.

About an hour ago I made a terrible phone call. Infact it was almost a complete cold-call. I was under the misguided impression that a HB9 I used to know fancied me. She'd gotten in contact with me to invite me to a party, after not having spoken to me for 18 months. I then learned that she just broke up with her LTR*. I thought it was on.

So I phone her up. She was awkward and unreceptive. I tried to get a conversation going. After a few stumling and broken conversation strands I asked her why she got in contact after all this time. Turns out she didn't, and I was mistaken: her friend invited me to her party on her behalf. Ah. After that my conversation fell to pieces.

It lasted about 2 minutes.

So. What have I learned? Hmm, well at least I tried, and found out - better than not knowing and always wondering. Also I've realised that I'm at times overly optimistic and have absolutely no idea when it comes to women.

Still - at least I can't do worse, right?


* LTR - Long Term Relationship

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