It's been 18 months since I last wrote in this blog. I'll cut the bullshit and summarise. I've started and successfully grown my business. I live in a nice house and drive a sports car (a very quick one). I just ended a 15 months relationship. In the last 3 weeks I've had sex with four hot (HB8) women. I've number and kiss-closed three times that.
The PUA is back.
What is significant, or at the very least interesting, is that I didn't "game" any of these four women. I just went with my natural instinct. Well, for 90% of it. True, there were a few rules I applied that I certainly learnt from the community (showing them the crib before you go out, being hot/cold), but in general I just went with my gut. I guess that's truly the power of the PUA - you get to internalise your game. You get good even without trying.
So, what's next? Well I guess I'd better state my intent all over again.
My goals:
- Attract the hottest of girls (HB10's), regularly.
- Have many hot women on tap in my local area (a harem of fuck buddies).
- Have a threesome.
- Be as honest as possible with every girl I meet*
- Leave every girl better than I found them.
- Break no hearts.
Well, that's it for now. There are four lay reports due:
Right now though I have to go to bed. There's an empire to run, and I need sleep.
Fuck me it's good to be back!