Monday, 28 March 2011

Absence makes the heart grow wilder

Sometimes you don't know when to quit, because you don't know how to quit. Becoming a PUA, even on the smallest of scales is a double edged sword. Because you know you can go out there and get a hot girl, because you know you will never be alone, you never settle for anything less than acceptable. You never settle for anything but the best.

It's been 18 months since I last wrote in this blog. I'll cut the bullshit and summarise. I've started and successfully grown my business. I live in a nice house and drive a sports car (a very quick one). I just ended a 15 months relationship. In the last 3 weeks I've had sex with four hot (HB8) women. I've number and kiss-closed three times that.

The PUA is back.

What is significant, or at the very least interesting, is that I didn't "game" any of these four women. I just went with my natural instinct. Well, for 90% of it. True, there were a few rules I applied that I certainly learnt from the community (showing them the crib before you go out, being hot/cold), but in general I just went with my gut. I guess that's truly the power of the PUA - you get to internalise your game. You get good even without trying.

So, what's next? Well I guess I'd better state my intent all over again.

My goals:
  • Attract the hottest of girls (HB10's), regularly.
  • Have many hot women on tap in my local area (a harem of fuck buddies).
  • Have a threesome.
  • Be as honest as possible with every girl I meet*
  • Leave every girl better than I found them.
  • Break no hearts.
*I leave a get-out clause here - 'as possible' is so ambiguous.

Well, that's it for now. There are four lay reports due:


Right now though I have to go to bed. There's an empire to run, and I need sleep.

Fuck me it's good to be back!