Sunday, 30 March 2008

LR - FrenchChick3

French Girls. There's something about French girls that drives me wild. They are the best kissers (hence the French Kiss) that I've ever kissed. I've kissed dozens of English girls and a dozen or so French girls, and with few exceptions French girls are so much better than the Brits. I don't remember ever kissing a French girl and not enjoying it.

The night before last, I wrote the following in my blog:
HB8 - There's a pretty hot French girl staying over at the moment. Although she's my brother's friend's sister, so he may become a little protective if I start chasing her. Oh, and she's 17. Now, before all you Americans freak out, the age of sexual consent in the UK is 16, so it's perfectly legal in my country. The irony is that it isn't in hers... Anyway, she is a bit young, although I'm only 23. Fuck it, I was having sex aged 17 and enjoying it, so no reason why she can't, with me. I'm utterly obsessed with the idea of fucking a French girl.... obsessed I tell you!

So, here's the story:


I got home after a long day at work and a damn good football match, oh, and more than a few beers at the pub afterwards. I find my house has been overrun by my brother and his friends from France, and one of the friends' little sister - all I see of her is a mop of auburn hair, asleep beneath a blanket on the lounge sofa. Anyhow, it was about 2am and I was drunk, so after a quick tin of beer and a ciggie I went to bed.


Friday evening I'm working late. At about 8pm, I get a call from the sister, FrenchChick3. She phoned my up distraught as she was lost in London and couldn't get hold of my brother. Then she ran out of credit. She called back from a pay phone, and ran out of money. I called her back after she got lost a few more times, I eventually guided her home. In the mean time I got hold of my brother and his friends, who had gone into absolute panic (as anyone would when their little sister gets lost in a large city where she can't speak the damn language). So late at night, she eventually gets home and I get the full hero treatment for getting her back.

At this point, a thought occurs to me: I've just "rescued" this girl. I'm her bloody knight in shining armour. This has to be DHV on a massive scale.


After a long day's work (work has gone crazy busy at the moment), I get back home at about 11 pm and find a bunch of drunk teenagers in my lounge. They're having a good time and getting a bit pissed so, despite feeling severely fucked from lack of sleep, I decide to join in the fun. We eventually decide to go out to a few local bars.

As we leave the house, I decide that FrenchChick3, is exceedingly hot. At 5'9 and with high heeled boots, she's almost as tall as me, and she's got sexy auburn hair and a really cute face. A sexual curvy figure and killer lips. I decide she will be mine by the end of the night. I instantly went into PUA mode, like someone had flipped a switch. Of course no-one on the outside would have noticed, because my first "move" was to show her complete indifference, whilst flirting with other women and DHV. On the inside, I was on fire, and coming out with awesome things. It's funny, at the time it just flowed and I didn't have to think about any of it - it just worked and felt completely natural. So what did I do? I kino-escalted. I threw in a jealousy plotline. I made her jump through hoops, and then rewarded her. I kept the energy high.

We've not been out long, and at 1am the bar we're in closes. My brother, having been drunk all day, starts throwing up outside. I leave his mates to pick him up and start walking FrenchChick3 home. As we get to a crossing I tell her to be careful and get her to loop her arm through mine. She keeps it there.

A few minutes later, we arrive at my front door. As I'm putting my key in the lock, I suddenly act on instinct and go caveman on her. I push her up against the door and we start making out. Minutes later we're inside and I take her straight up to my room. As we make out I start undressing her and she does the same to me. I feel completely and utterly confident and comfortable. Previously I've always felt uncomfortable and anxious when I've had a girl in my room for the first time. But this time, I feel completely fine and on fire. We fuck for hours.

The next day I had to work, yet again. I woke up, realised the clocks had changed and had to pretty much run out of the house. She told me she had a great time and we said goodbye, she was due to catch a plane back to Paris later on that afternoon.

That's it.

Now, this is by no measure my most awesome or most impressive Field Report. In fact, if you compare it to my other ones where I really pushed myself into new territory, it's a bit plain. She's not the hottest girl I've ever fucked and I really didn't use anything new or original. The only thing that i found astonishing was that I spent a total of 2 and a half hours with this girl before I fucked her. What's even more astonishing, is out of that 2 and a half hours I spent most of the time ignoring her. In we only spent only 15 minutes (the time it took to walk home from the pub) alone before I fucker her. That's insane. Only 15 minutes in "comfort" before I seduced her? Damn.

My first real night out in over a month. So damn busy.


Is it immoral to fuck a 17 year old? Personally, I feel no guilt or remorse and I don't believe I ever will. She wanted me as much as I wanted her, and it wasn't her first time. I was having sex when I was 17. For me, that's the end of it. But I reckon that a lot of people will have wildly varying ideas on what's right and wrong on this.

She missed her flight. When I got in this evening after another long day at work, I once again found her asleep on the couch. She almost completely blanked me. Everyone else was all high-spirited and happy and it suddenly dawned on me: no-one else knew we'd fucked. So I played along. She went to bed. I went to see her. We chatted for a bit but it turned out she was in a foul mood because her brother had shouted at her for missing her flight. I told her she could come and sleep with me if she wanted, but that I was beat and just wanted to sleep (more truth to that than you might think). She said no. Buyer's remorse? Fine. I honestly don't care. It was good fun and we both enjoyed it at the time. Tomorrow, she "should" be gone by the time I get home and I'll never see her again. For me that's neither a good thing nor a bad thing, it's just the way it is. Of course I'd rather she lived around the corner, but she doesn't.

A final word. What's dawned on me recently is something I've read before without sincerely believing: women love to fuck. It's just as strong an urge for women as it is for men. The only reason it's hard to seduce women, is sex can have much more significant and long term consequences for women. Thus, they are far far more selective about who they'll sleep with than us.


Saturday, 29 March 2008

Girls Girls Girls

I've always told people, at least the few people with whom I've discussed the "game", that the best part of it is this awesome sense of peace. Doubt, fear, anxiety, questioning thoughts and negativity all fade away once you've developed the skills to attract women. Once you know, without doubt, that you can do it, everything else fades into background noise - you feel powerful and full of energy. Jealousy and envy also fade away. I'm no longer jealous of any of my mates, at all. Is it simply because I know I've fucked hotter women than them? Perhaps. I guess it could quite simply be that. Sure, it's primitive, but it feels like an honest answer, and now I find myself rarely if ever envious. And it goes beyond women, I don't feel jealous of other people's opportunities, possessions, success or fame.

Women. Damn, so many women. Ok, let's take stock:

HB9 - I'm seeing her, but it's rare as she's moved away. Damn her. Ah well, we're pretty incompatible on every level beyond a purely physical relationship, to the point where I reckon we'd enjoy each other's company more if neither of us spoke. Trouble is, neither of us can shut the fuck up.

HB8 - Still texting me. I'm still ignoring her. Perhaps it's a bastard thing to do, but she went wacko on me, and anyway, girls don't return my texts frequently enough. Although not after I've slept with them. A friend and I were chatting today, and I got a text as we spoke. I told him about the psycho. He reckoned she's fallen for me majorly and that I must have made a big impression on her. He asked if I'd fucked her, "yeah a few times", I replied. He asked how long it was before I fucked her. A mute silence followed when I told him it was about 7 hours. It was then that I realise,d all of us in the community are judging things on a completely different level to other people - 7hrs from meet to lay is superhuman in the real world. In the real world that only happens in myth. Anyway, she's still psycho, I'm still ignoring her. Poor girl.

HB9 (which is denoted in the very original title). Escalating the flirting by text. She wants to meet up, but tells me she's shy. I think we'll probably meet up in a couple of weeks. MUST get off the texts and on the actual phone more.

HB9 - I've demoted her a rank, as I haven't seen her for about 5 months. Anyway, recently she as thrown back into my social circle and chased me a bit this evening, which was fun. Ended up having a good chat, no, awesome chat, and she wants me to come see her in some theatre production in April. Is she a HB10? Well, possibly, and seeing as the next time I'll see her she'll be in full dress outfit, makeup and professionally lit, I'll probably say yes. The only reason I've demoted her a point, is because I've started finding a lot of girls I used to be really attracted to slightly less attractive. It's a relativity thing, perhaps. Now that I engage with hotter women the others seem less hot. Anyway, as I can't clearly remember her we'll see. 9 for now.

HB8 - There's a pretty hot French girl staying over at the moment. Although she's my brother's friend's sister, so he may become a little protective if I start chasing her. Oh, and she's 17. Now, before all you Americans freak out, the age of sexual consent in the UK is 16, so it's perfectly legal in my country. The irony is that it isn't in hers... Anyway, she is a bit young, although I'm only 23. Fuck it, I was having sex aged 17 and enjoying it, so no reason why she can't, with me. I'm utterly obsessed with the idea of fucking a French girl.... obsessed I tell you!

HB8 - I'm finding myself flirting a little more, but to be honest I'm leaving this to either happen naturally or not at all. Sure, I could force the situation, but i have to live with the girl. There's some chemistry there, but it's such a bad idea and will end in tears. Hers, most likely, as I'm not interested in monogamous and I didn't move into this awesome house only to find I'm not bringing girls back here.

HB9 - Didn't see her whilst I was in France. She was away. Ah well, I'll try again in six months.

HB8 (again, note the original title) - She's in Spain this week, but when she gets back I know she wants to go out for a drink. The problem is she's very good friends with my cousin, and I know she's looking for more than something casual. Still, no harm in a drink?

HB9 - She lives too far away. Essex.... I mean dammit why do I keep meeting girls who live far away? Just like the next one...

HB 8 - Had an awesome all night party. Lots of flirting. She has a boyfriend and lives in sodding Wales... but I could so tell it was on, I only needed a few more hours and she's have been mine. I know it. Shame I had to leave. Next time, she will be mine.

Done. 1 girl I'm fucking, 8 girls i'm chasing, and a psycho who's chasing me. It's 2am and I'm on a film set at 8am tomorrow morning. It's going to be a long day...


Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Sex Transmutation

It's funny how more and more of the books I'm reading at the moment, despite being suggested to me by "the community", frown on the idea of promiscuity. Think and Grow Rich, Thick Face Black Heart, and The Way Of The Superior Man all suggest the same thing: fucking lots of women is a bad thing. Why? Chasing sex robs us of our desire for everything else.

Napoleon Hill argues "Why do so few men succeed before their forties? Indeed, the majority of men don't hit their working stride until well into their fifties. Why? Because until then men spend their effort, and their energy chasing women". Sex is the most powerful urge we have, it's a basic need and a desire stronger than anything else. Drugs, alcohol, success, pain - all of these pale in comparison to the euphoria we get from sex. (Anyone that argues differently hasn't had truly awesome sex... or perhaps they are heroin junkies, in which case they won't be reading my blog, and therefore won't be arguing either).

The only way out, argues this combined wisdom, is to transform your sex energy into your daily life. Ejaculate, they tell, rarely (whether through intercourse or masturbation), as the life-force you send forth through your semen is precious and shouldn't be thrown away lightly (starting to sound overly spiritual...) - within it is a source of power. Which leads to this: Sex Transmutation - the art of harnessing your sexual energy and repurposing it in other areas of your life, namely your career.

I don't know if it's true, but I'll tell you what I do know: the longer I go without an orgasm through masturbation the more energy I feel I have. Contrary to this - the more sex I have the better and more energetic I feel, I rarely feel tired the day after sex (actually, I usually feel pretty damn awesome).

What I do know is true though, is that women or thoughts of sex, send energy waves through the body. Thinking of sex is a better stimulant than coffee, and will wake you up better than a line of coke (not that I do coke, but I felt compelled to write that). I know that when my energy is low, thinking of a hot girl will give me a boost.

The trouble is I then struggle to take my mind back off her, and waste the next few hours chasing women or at best reading PUA material or browsing forums....

Oh, and check out those three books, they are awesome and filled with helpful stuff.


Thursday, 20 March 2008


Certain things are guaranteed to impress women. These are things that are by and large not overly difficult to master, but if you're able to do them well you'll score brownie points. Let's see. Women love it if you're good at:
  • Cooking
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Sport
  • Keeping a cool head in tough situations
  • Getting along well with people in her social circle, especially her close friends
  • Dressing well
  • Grooming
There are no doubt a load more. Lots of these things are overlooked by man, who want to focus more on technique and "lines", but mastering these far easier skills gives you something more: belief in yourself. Once you have a girl compliment you physically or smile when she tucks into food you've cooked for her, you have her hooked. It's impressing her in a very natural way. I'd argue that the above list of qualities are things that come easy to the naturals out there.

So why does Cooking top the list? I've started getting into it. Last night I cooked the most awesome Ragu ever. I cook a pretty damn good Spaghetti Bolognaise already, and it's not a million miles away, but this was awesome. The recipe is from Nigella Lawson's Express and took me 20 minutes from start to eating. Finding the bloody ingredients took longer! The book is ideal for anyone who needs to cook damn tasty food fast. Once I've cooked my way through a few more recipies, I'll review it properly.


Monday, 17 March 2008

Monday Mornings

I must get out of bed...

Damn I hate Monday mornings, the fucking traffic I'm going to have to sit in on the way to work, the damn job I'm hating more and more with every passing day, the sense of having to conform and fit in with a lifestyle you no longer want or even need... Having to play by someone else's rules, a complete lack of liberty. Frustration, bubbling, simmering hotter and hotter every day until you feel like a boiler about to burst. Knowing that freedom is only a chasm's leap away and that you have the power, skill and ability to make the jump... but hesitating, and turning away afraid because despite every fibre of your being telling you, you can make the jump, there's doubt. And then regret, that you didn't jump and still haven't. Across the chasm are riches.... but right now I'm stuck on the island of mediocrity. Jump. I need to jump.

But one step at a time.

I must get out of bed...

Non-pyschotic women

I've not seen HiredGun for a while, not since she moved back to Birmingham. How annoying - I meet an incredibly hot HB9, who lives within 5 minutes walking distance of my new house, and a week later she moves away... Anyway, we're still talking every now and then and I'm now sort of planning to go and see her sometime soon. However, she's sharing a room with her sister, so unless I've got enough skill to get them both into a threesome, it doesn't look like I'll be seeing much action. So that means a hotel. Plus fuel there and back it's turning into an expensive weekend. I could go to Paris for the much... hmmm.... now there's an idea. Perhaps I'll just get her to come here instead.

CostumeGirl and I are now texting. I didn't text her until Saturday - goes to show you can wait a week before getting in touch. Will try and arrange a drink this week, somewhere within walking distance of the house.

Red9 and I are now texting again - though seeing as she blew me off 3 months ago, I honestly don't expect much to come of it. Still - we'll see. Right now I'm taking things very slow. Will spend far more time building up phone game before suggesting a drink.

I've fallen in lust with my new housemate, we'll call her SwissGirl. She's utterly hot and I was attracted to her the second I met her, but I've been trying to be good as I live with her and it's such a bad idea to sleep with her. Such a good idea, but such a bad idea. My instinct, and I can now read women moderately well, is that she's attracted to me too (I get good signs from her), but that she's also being cautious. Oddly, I dreamt about her the other night... Anyway, she's got a friend coming tomorrow from Switzerland, so perhaps I'll seduce her instead...

Have to sort my room out - it's not quite there yet as the ultimate bachelor pad. Need some art for the walls, some matching bedside cabinets, a rug, a desk. Perhaps I'll make the desk myself, as it will need to be an awkward shape to make the most of the available space. Also need a flat screen TV and wall mount - but I'll need to get some more money in first.

I have a new car... which is exactly the same as the other one, but with a manual gearbox. Awesome sexy racy thing, and so much quicker now it's got a proper gearbox.

I saw old friends this weekend, and for the first time in my entire life, I downplayed the success I was having with women. Even then they didn't believe me - but showing them a photo of HiredGun threw them into a mute stupor. I find myself brushing aside the subject whenever it's brought up, as I almost never get a positive reaction. Women generally think I'm a pig, and men either don't believe me or are jealous of me. Perhaps I should invent a fictitious girlfriend...

Psychotic women

PyschoGirl is living up to her name. Last weekend I got a call from an hidden number, which I accidentally cancelled as I took the phone out of my pocked. Seconds later I get a text from her, which simply read:

"Oi :P"

Putting two and two together, I texted backing chiding her for hiding her number, and she then claimed she didn't call. The next day I got a text from her telling me I'd called her... which I hadn't. So I decide to ignore her, as she'd annoyed me with her psychosis and, in any case, I don't want my cock to get bitten off (read my earlier Field Report to understand more).

So, I'm carrying on my life and hope that by now she's gotten the hint and is carrying on with hers. But no. Next text:

"Oh my god, im really sorry if i was incredibly annoying last week, the girls (I assume her flat mates) have only just told me how stupid i was i apologize for being a drunken monkey... again! X"

Ok. Fair enough. But as far as I'm concerned, I dont want to do anything to make her think she's got a chance with me. I was totally honest with her and told her it would never be anything but completely casual, and if she wants either a boyfriend or a relationship I'm not the guy for her. Unable to make up my mind if I should carry on ignoring her, or phone her up and lay it out in black and white: "I don't want to see you any more, you're a psycho hose beast", I decide to leave it a few days and text her, with the intent of letting her down gently. I even entertain the thought of seeing her again, she's not the hottest girl I've fucked, but the sex is good - she makes awesome noises...

Anyway, before I've even left it a day, she ruins her chances of me taking any other form of action than "RUN FOR THE HILLS". Ok, a bit extreme, but she texts me some silly joke thing - which admittedly makes me giggle - but still.... I AM NOT HER BOYFRIEND

Let's recap:

I last text this girl two weeks ago. She texts a few times, which I ignore, because I'm an arsehole. Then she (possibly) hides her number and tries to call me, and then later claims I call her. Psycho alarm bells are ringing, so I decide not to text her again. She apologises for her psychoticisms, but then carries on texting me crap before even waiting for a reply.

My conclusion:

She's a nutter. Failing that, she's bored as she's got no job and she's not studying, and she wants amusement. Failing that, she wants a boyfriend.

The lesson:

No matter how tempting. NEVER FUCK A PSYCHO. I should have learnt the first time....

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


I've been writing a lot less recently, as I've been busy with other projects. I've also been spending far less time studying and improving my game. Instead I'm reading books like Thick Face, Black Heart and Think and Grow Rich - which are much more about general personal development and wealth.

This got me thinking. Actually, my motivation for getting into the game was really my way of solving what I saw as a deficiency in an area of my life. Whilst I may not be anywhere near the level of a world class pick-up artist, I can now go out and attract very hot girls. Not only that, but more importantly, I have the self belief and confidence to know it's not a one-off and that I'll always be able to attract hot women. It's liberating, and where I previously saw a lack of ability and a ton of fear I now see abundance and more than enough women to keep my busy indefinately.

My motivations seem to now be shifting in other directions. Now that I've addressed the 'girl' issue, the next one that I have a real burning desire to 'fix' is my finances. I desire an abundance of wealth and I'm going to go out there and get it. I have a clear plan on how to do this - all I need to do is throw myself into it with passion and confidence and I can see very clearly how it will work for me and make me wealthy. It's very, very exciting. What's awesome, and the reason why I'm discussing this here, is that it's all related. Not the business - no, that's nothing to do with pick up at all, it's related in a different way. Becoming confident and good around women has taught me:
  • DHV - Demonstrate High Value. In business, if you look successful, act successful and talk successful, you get treated as if you're successful. Also, demonstrating the ambition to become wealthy is almost as impressive as wealth itself.
  • How you present yourself in the way you dress is hugely important. As are the details.
  • Inner Game is key - having a central focus and belief inyourself despite criticism and redicule from friends, family and the people you meet is vital.
  • You don't need a lot of money to go out and play.
  • Self discipline is golden.
  • There's a ton of stuff you can read about in books, apply, and get results.
  • The real obsticle is limiting self-beliefs and having a negative attitude.
  • The ones that go out there and take the risks are the ones who learn and eventually succeed.
  • It doesn't matter if you don't succeed immediately, perserverence will overcome initial setbacks and defeats.
  • Anyone can really achieve anything, provided he puts his mind to it.
So there we are. I feel I've restored the balance in my sex life and it's awesome. The next big challenge is seeing if I'm correct in what I've written above and can duplicate the success in my financial life.

This doesn't mean an end to The Bandit though, on the contrary I'll be continuing to chat up and chase women for as long as I can forsee and I certainly don't want a girlfriend again - this is too much fun. It does mean the chances are I'll write less as my "big" challenge is no longer learning the game.

But in the mean time, back to women. Sunday night was epic. Went to a party with my brother and a few friends. Within about five minutes I spotted HB9 NecklaceGirl, and said to my bro "You see that girl there, would you agree she's the hottest girl in the club?", "Yeah", "I'll have her number by the end of the evening". He laughed. The night goes on, i'm chatty to a few girls but I have my eye on the really hot target and after a while I make my move. I chat up her two female friends and have them in stitches whilst target's off chatting to someone else. When she returns I'm already pre-approved by her female friends (and have number closed them both, for good measure, on the pretese of "you guys are fun, let's swap numbers and we can all go out for drinks some time"). So she turns up and I became the funniest man alive. I had them all in fits of laughter. And... I can't even remember what I said. It was all situational and I really really wish I had a voice recorder. You know those times when you're really in the moment - that was exactly it. I was David Beckham before he scored that free kick against Argentina. I was Rambo with a big fat gun. I was Chuck Norris being... well just himself. And so I number closed her with ease. Will be interesting to see where it goes, she's utterly hawt.


Thursday, 6 March 2008


Ok, I'm back.

I've been sick with the mother of all stomach bug's since the end of last week, but I'm fighting fit now and rearing to go. Perhaps I've let things slide a little so far as game goes - I blame this for having two girls I can now turn to instantly for meaningless but pretty good sex. Trouble is one is a complete Psycho - and for the sake of not getting my cock cut off in the night, I HAVE to stop seeing her, and the other's moved to Birmingham. From London. Why?!

Damn. Gotta catch a train in a few minutes. I will finish this post when i get to work...

(31 minutes later)

Damn me. Damn me to hell and back again. Several times. I completely fucking failed to game this hot girl I see on the train every day. I felt like I was stuck in the opening credits of some aweful romantic comedy where the lead, Hugh Grant, grows up never being able to to talk to the girl he fancies. Worse still, I felt like it should have really been a montage shot. Fucks sake. Damn. I mean I had time to come up with so many opening lines... "Hey, you work in XXXX, which company do you work for?", or later after we got off at the same stop and were walking along practically next to each other, "You know smoking in the morning is particularly bad for you..... you got a spare one?".

And I don't care what you say: those lines would have worked excellently. Shame about the bloke who was supposed to be delivering them: he failed to turn up to the gig. Choked. FUCKS SAKE.

I know I can justify it if I try - it's British public transport. The golden rule is "STRANGERS DO NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER. EVER.". I remember my old ma telling me when she was on the tube and they stopped it due to a bomb scare, there was no screaming, panicking or fainting: no... insteading everyone just looked uneasy, but still they did not break this rule.

It would however, be a shit justification: because I've already broken this rule. In fact it was on the tube that I got my first ever Day Game number close, right after reading The Game. So I not only should know better, I do know better.

Rant over.

I'm going to go out gaming with some fellow UK based PUA's. It's interesting how in all walks of life, successful people group together in order to improve and really get to the top of their game. I see this in work, sport and all sort of things so it's no surprise it's the same here. And what's really interesting is that although going out as a group makes the pickings slimmer, as you inevitably have to divide the hotties amongst the men in the group, it's evidently a much better way of operating as otherwise people wouldn't do it! I'm genuinely looking forward to it.

There are some epic books I've been reading recently, the best of which has to be Thick Face, Black Heart. The book is phenomenal and one of the few books I will treasure and read again and again. I'm a chapter away from the end and I may write a review on it when I've finished. I've also read The Way Of The Superior Man, which was OK, but a bit disappointing after all the rave reviews I read. Perhaps I expected too much of it. Still a very good book, and I can understand it's huge popularity as the ideas within are pretty decent. I'm also reading Think and Grow Rich (mind blowingly good), The Art of Seduction (I've been reading this bit by bit since about 2005 I think - can never seem to get through more than a chapter at a time) and The Power of Now (awesomely high concept book - but heavy going and a slow read as it requires a lot of stopping and thinking - or more specifically not thinking). Recently I also bought:
  • Teach Yourself Alexander Technique
  • The Red Queen
  • Atlas Shrugged
  • Fire In The Belly
  • The Definitive Book of Body Language
and a couple of other business books.

I have a meeja party on Sunday I'm quite looking forward to - perhaps simply it's because everyone in the UK media is a wanton slut (myself included) and thus are as easy to game as anything...
